
Bring Cocos2d-js and Meteor together.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bring Cocos2d-js and Meteor together.

##What is Cocos2d-Meteor Cocos2d-Meteor brings the World's #1 Open Source Game Development Platform (Cocos2d) and the ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework (Meteor) together to help us develop games easier and quicker.

##Why use Cocos2d-Meteor By using Cocos2d-Meteor, we can just use one language (JavaScript) to develop the entire game, which comprises frontend (scenes, sprites, actions and physics engine) and backend (leaderboard, level and progress). We can develop the entire project in one codebase. And don't need to worry about sending JSON via Restful API or Websocket messages back and forth because Meteor has helped us wire anything up.

##Installation $ meteor add jakelin:cocos2d-meteor

##How to use

Create a new meteor project

$ meteor create test

Change directory to the new proejct

$ cd test

Install the package

$ meteor add jakelin:cocos2d-meteor

Add a <canvas> element inside <body> in the html file

  <h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>

  {{> hello}}
  <canvas id="gameCanvas" width="800" height="450"></canvas>

Add init logic inside if (Meteor.isClient) in the js file

  Template.hello.rendered = function() {
    cc.game.onStart = function(){
      //load resources
      cc.LoaderScene.preload([], function () {
        var MyScene = cc.Scene.extend({
          onEnter:function () {
            var size = cc.director.getWinSize();
            var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("");
            sprite.setPosition(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
            this.addChild(sprite, 0);

            var label = cc.LabelTTF.create("Hello World", "Arial", 40);
            label.setPosition(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
            this.addChild(label, 1);
        cc.director.runScene(new MyScene());
      }, this);


Live Demo at cocos2d.meteor.com

##Design Considerations

  • To support IE9 and IE10, I have to embed the cocos2d js within $(document).ready() method. Therefore, all code uses cc variable must run after page loaded. In Meteor, we usually place those logic in Template.myTemplate.rendered function (Page Loaded event).
  • Cocos2d-Meteor should support all browsers which both Cocos2d-js and Meteor can support. If you find any problem please create an issue.

##Cocos2d-js v3.0 supported features

File Description
core Engine core modules, includes Director, Node, Scene, Layer, Sprite, LabelTTF, EventManger, Scheduler and Texture2D. The default render is canvas
webgl Cocos2d WebGL support
log Log system and debug informations
actions Configurable actions for animating nodes with position, scale, etc
audio Audio system
menus Menu and MenuItem nodes for creating game menu
render-texture RenderTexture node for custom rendering
sprite-batch-node A type of sprite that can host sprites using the same texture and enable
labels Label nodes including LabelBMFont, LabelAtlas
motion-streak MotionStreak which can manage a ribbon based on its motion
shape-nodes DrawNode can be used to render lines, polygons, curves, etc
clipping-nodes ClippingNode can clip hosted nodes with shape or texture as stencil
effects Effects that can be applied to nodes, like page turn, shake, wave, etc
progress-timer ProgressTimer node which can transform a node into a progression bar
transitions Scene transition effects
particle ParticleSystem node and built in particle effects
text-input Nodes for simple text inputing
tilemap TMX file parser for creating tile map layers
parallax Parallax effect which can be applied to layers
gui Another GUI extension with a set of useful widgets
ccbreader CocosBuilder editor support
editbox Edit Box for more complex text inputing
ccui Cocos UI widgets with layout support
cocostudio CocoStudio editor support
ccpool Sprite recycling pool
pluginx Social network API plugins
box2d Built in box2d physics engine support
spine The spine support library

##Non-supported features There are some conflicts between socketio and meteor since meteor has SockJS. chipmunk can be integrated if required.

File Description
socketio ScoketIO library support
chipmunk Built in Chipmunk physics engine support