
Repo Sync script for Arch Linux Arm (ALArm).

This is a simple script to create a private, internal mirror of Arch Linux Arm repo to manage rolling updates in a more traditional fashion. It's useful when you're managing updates across a large qty of headless Raspberry Pis at customer sites and you need better control over specific OS versions.


The script should be portable to any Linux/Unix-based system with Bash. However, it was tested on CentOS 7.x.

  • CentOS server with sufficient space (the ARMv7 repo consumes ~20GB of storage).
  • Bash
  • A configured web server (Apache, Nginx) to serve the package files.


  • Step 1: Download and copy script to some directory on your private mirror (/usr/local/bin is a good choice).
  • Step 2: Run as cron job once per day/week/month, specifying the full path to the script.
  • Step 3: ???
  • Step 4: Profit!


  • Set REPOPATH to your local web sserver directory, like /var/nginx/html or something.
  • Set MIRROR to your preferred mirror URL (note, you'll need the full URL up to the ARCH setting)
  • Set ARCH to your architecture, eg, armv7h, aarch, etc.
  • Optional: change DATE to reflect your preferred date fomat. This is used for the directory structure. The default is year-month-day, without hyphens.

Your directory structure should end up looking something like this:

 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Sep  5 17:42 20180827
 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Aug 28 18:22 20180828
 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Sep  5 17:01 20180905
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root   24 Sep  5 19:26 current -> /var/nginx/html/20180905
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root   24 Sep  5 19:26 release -> /var/nginx/html/20180801

The current symlink should always point to the latest Arch version (newest date).
The release symlink should always point to the current production release the RPis should sync with.
The current symlink will always be repointed to latest Arch if a new version is found/downloaded.
The release symlink can be updated using this script (see below) or manually using ln -s.

Using alarmsync

This script can be run interactively or through a scheduler like cron. It requires root/sudo privileges since you're writing to a web server directory path and the assumption is that you'll need root privs. This will be tightened up in the future so that only -s or -u options require root/sudo.

Command line options:

Usage: ./alarmsync [OPTIONS]
 -h --help			Show this help.
 -l --list			List repo directory contents and links. Requires REPOPATH be set correctly. 
 -s --sync			Sync repo and update -current link. 
 -u --update [link] [date]	Update link. Supports **current** and **release** symlinks only. Date is the directory you want to link to in REPOPATH.

Examples: -s # Checks mirror, syncs if needed, repoints **current** to newly created repository. -l # Shows current mirror snapshots, and current current / prod links. -u release 20180827 # Updates the $REPOPATH/release symlink to $REPOPATH/20180827