AAJA Voices Data Webinar II

Making interactive charts and maps using generators

June 9, Thursday, 7 p.m. EST

  • Using a generator like plot.ly
  • Using a generator like CartoDB

Get data

  • Census data about Asian Americans - link
  • More Cenusus data - link

Get some more data and join it. Adjust for population.

Chart it out

  • Chart Tool from Globe and Mail (If you want to install)
  • Pros: Really new. Lots of customization. Can see how it will work on mobile.
  • Cons: Need to insstall extra code on your site to make the embeds work successfully
  • Highcharts Cloud
  • Pros: Lots of customization options, easy to use
  • Cons: Freemium content. Pay to get rid of the Highcharts logo at the bottom of each. (If you work at a nonprofit, you can get it for free)
  • Plot.ly
  • Pros: Lots of customization, can generate images and embed codes for online
  • Cons: A little bit more complicated. Has a rate limit of about 3,000 online views.
  • Datawrapper
  • Pros: Simple and maps supported
  • Cons: Freemium. Can only download generated images. For embed codes, have to pay a monthly subscription.

Map it out

Useful tools
  • Datamaps.co
  • Pros: Really easy to use. Country maps and World map.
  • Cons: Only produces SVGs or PNGs. No embed code.
  • Google Fusion Table
  • Pros: Relatively easy to use, good for interactivity and different types of maps.
  • Cons: Looks basic and out of the box.
  • Cartodb
  • Pros: Relatively easy to use. Slick looking. Great for online mapping.
  • Cons: Freemium. There's a limit to data. You get a little bit more if you sign up as a student.
For webinar