
Toolbox for a .NET Developer. A Collection of Small but Useful Applications.

Primary LanguageC#

You can download it from https://github.com/andrewchaa/.NETDevTools/downloads

What is it?

A small set of handy features for .NET developers

In command prompt
Open	         : open the sln file in the current folder (currently only supports one sln file)	
Open .                 : open windows explorer in the current folder.
Open C:\\program files : open windows explorer in C:\\program files.

On windows explorer
Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt Here : a context menu that opens vs command prompt in the current directory.

The update is that it now follows OS X terminal syntax. 
You can use the same Open command to open windows explorer from command prompt. (I discovered Open . in OS X terminal pops up Finder)
If you want to open a specific folder, you can put the path. You don't need to enclose them with quotes(.  Hope it helps.
