
The first jQuery plugin to use jQuery Cycle plugin as a fullscreen background slideshow.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Currently at Version 2.0.6

Documentation can be found at: http://blog.aaronvanderzwan.com/2012/07/maximage-2-0/

Full demo can be found at: http://www.aaronvanderzwan.com/maximage/2.0/


Version 2.0.6:

  • Add ability for backgroundSize option to be passed as a function to the plugin. This way you can completely customize how you want the image to resize. See example @ http://www.aaronvanderzwan.com/maximage/2.0/#CustomBGSize
  • Added a landing page with code explanations for some examples.

Version 2.0.5:

  • Now you can call maximage on any object and it will fill and center it (pass it a string, 'maxcover', 'maxcontain', 'fill' or 'center'). This makes it really easy to have any visual element be the fullscreen background element of the slideshow (HTML5 video, etc). A small explanation / tutorial can be found at: http://blog.aaronvanderzwan.com/forums/topic/maximage-cover-helper-function/
  • Exposed options to be global
  • Created "Adjust" object to handle math for fit and center functions
  • Remove Timer object (it wasn't being used anymore)

Version 2.0.4:

  • Added CSS transitions as the default 'easing' cycle option (Thanks to Roger Braunstein for this idea [http://partlyhuman.com/])
  • Added "cssTransitions" option that can force the plugin to run without using CSS transitions
  • Renamed "noBackgroundCSS" to "cssBackgroundSize" and changed the default to "true"
  • Added browser detection for CSS transitions and BackgroundSize to avoid dependence on Modernizr
  • Removed Jquery Easing plugin from the demo as I was not using it anyways

Version 2.0.3:

  • Added "noBackgroundCSS" option that forces the plugin to run without using CSS3's background-size

Version 2.0.2:

  • Added "fillElement" option that provides the ability to constrain your slideshow to a container element (not just the window)

Version 2.0.1:

  • Added backgroundSize option so that older browsers can act as though they support CSS3 background-size:contain
  • Now using dynamic backgroundSize CSS3 check for older browser functionality

Version 2.0:

  • Fixed compatibility with older browsers, specifically a bug that was creating white space after browser resize

Version 2.0-beta3:

  • Added ability to add other HTML within Slides (still to be tested in pre-CSS3 browsers)

Past Fork Notes

re: alancwoo - Added the ability to use a data-href attribute on the images. Thus one can now use this attribute for various things such as jquery tooltips, click functions etc.