
OpenPrinting printer support database - web app of OpenPrinting web site

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

How to setup openprinting site and database from bazaar branch

1) Copy the whole contents of the site branch to a folder where it is going to 
be located I.e.,

  # cp printing-new/* /srv/www/openprinting/

2) Install the bzr and build-essential packages if you have not done so yet.

3) Install Foomatic into the setup:

  # export WORKDIR=/srv/www/openprinting/foomatic
  # cd $WORKDIR
  # bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/openprinting/foomatic/foomatic-db-engine
  # bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/openprinting/foomatic/foomatic-db
  # bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/openprinting/foomatic/foomatic-db-nonfree
  # cd foomatic-db-engine
  # ./make_configure
  # ./configure
  # make inplace
  # cd ../..

4) Create "inc/siteconf.php" configuration file for the site. You can use
siteconf-DEV.php or siteconf-PROD.php as a basis. In that file you should set
access parameters for the MySQL database, LDAP server, mail addresses and some
other settings.

5) Edit the "build" script - set BASEDIR variable at the top of the script to the actual directory where the site is located

6) Launch the build script:

  # ./build

Note that this script uses inc/siteconf.php to create mysql.conf file for

7) If you want to create openprinting database from scratch, launch setupdb.sh
script from the maint/scripts folder:

  # cd maint/scripts
  # ./setupdb.sh

Note that setupdb.sh uses inc/siteconf.php to get database access parameters.

8) Now you can populate the database using the data from bzr using
"importfrombzr" script which tries to parse printer xml files and load them
to the database. Let's try to import everything from foomatic-db and

  # export WORKDIR=/srv/www/openprinting/foomatic

  # revno=`cd $WORKDIR/foomatic-db && bzr revno`
  # maint/scripts/importfrombzr $WORKDIR/foomatic-db 1 $revno

  # revno=`cd $WORKDIR/foomatic-db-nonfree && bzr revno`
  # maint/scripts/importfrombzr $WORKDIR/foomatic-db-nonfree 1 $revno

That's all. Now you should be able to access your copy of the openprinting site.