
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


SERT's code for the Spark challenge @ Hack for a Cause 2019.


To run the program, use the commands below:

$ ./gradlew build         # builds the frontend/backend
$ ./gradlew :backend:run  # runs the backend server

After starting the backend, you can visit the website at

If you're working on the frontend and would prefer a hot-reloading instance, you can use:

./gradlew :frontend:run

Then you can reach the frontend at


First, you'll need to build the webapp Docker image. However, before you can, you must first build the app. This can all be done by following the commands below:

$ ./gradlew build
$ docker build -t webapp .

Once the image is done, start the web server and MySQL database with:

$ docker-compose up