An interactive document scanner built in Python using OpenCV featuring automatic corner detection, image sharpening, and color thresholding.
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lsd'
#19 opened by lucasleirbag - 1
libraries import error
#18 opened by MahmoudMas00 - 1
Add a License
#17 opened by adelmott - 1
- 2
Document colors
#13 opened by joaocps - 0
in pylsd/ ValueError: could not convert string to float: '29,373552' (locale DE) - when "," is decimal operator
#14 opened by Wikinaut - 1
- 2
ImportError: cannot import name 'lsd' from 'lsd'
#12 opened by dacrypt - 1
Does it do anything?
#11 opened by olferievm - 2
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Replace dilate to closing or opening
#6 opened by IvanShafran - 3
I got CV error with python 3.7.2
#2 opened by EUA - 0
I got this error
#3 opened by xiaozheng666