
Based on yusefnapora/nix-config

Primary LanguageNix

My nix configurations

This repo has my personal configuration for NixOS with a home-manager configuration.

Pretty much copied from yusefnapora's config.


  • flake.nix: flake entrypoint
  • home-manager: home-manager configurations & features
  • modules: nixos and home-manager modules that could potentially be upstreamed
  • nixos: NixOS host configurations & features
  • overlays: nixpkgs overlays, including local packages & nixpkgs-unstable
  • pkgs: local packages that could potentially be upstreamed to nixpkgs


The justfile defines a few recipies using the just command runner. Run just --list to list all recipies. The most important are just switch, which builds the config (for the current hostname by default) and switches to it, just build which builds but doesn't switch, and just trace, which prints the stacktrace when things fail to build.

If you don't have just installed but do have nix, run nix develop to open a bootstrap shell environment.