
express-oauth2-skeleton that will get you up and running in no time!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is this repository for?

This repository provides a skeleton api that you can fork to quick-start your own express app!

Find the corresponding react-oauth2-skeleton (here)[https://github.com/andrelandgraf/react-oauth2-skeleton].

Getting started

This repository is set-up for unix systems only. Some scripts will not work on Windows, so it is storngly recommended that you work with this repository on a unix machine (Mac, VM, Linux).

IDE / Editor

Get yourself VSCode for a quick start. On Linux just run: snap install code. Other IDEs e.g. Webstorm work fine as well, just make sure that you have nice git and eslint support within your editor for more convenience.

For VSCode, we can recommend following extensions:

  • eslint: A package that will show you all eslint linting errors within your code. Make sure to activate the checkbox "Auto fix on save" to ensure that all auto linting fixes will be fixed on every file save

`npm install``

Install all third party dependencies. Below you can find a small summary of the most important packages that we use and a small description for why we need them. See package.json for more information.

Packages used:

  • express
  • express-oauth-server replaced by oauth2-server (no further development for express wrapper)
  • dotenv - to quickly read secret variables from .env files via process.env.VAR_NAME
  • body-parser
  • crons - express middleware to allow cross-domain-requests

setup .env

Create a new file called .env and copy the template from EXAMPLE.env. Ask your co-contributors for the secrets and save them to your .env file. Please make sure that you keep the .env file private and do not share the information in the file with anyone. Do not add .env to git!

npm run lint

We use eslint to verify that we are all on the same page when it comes to code formatting. Use npm run lint to check if you pass all linting requirements. For a detailled description how to setup eslint, please see the react-oauth2-skeleton repository (README.md)[https://github.com/andrelandgraf/react-oauth2-skeleton/master/README.md]

npm run dev

This will start the development server on localhost. Please make sure that you have set the Port within the .env file. e.g. PORT=3333

Usage of OAuth2

We use OAuth2 specs to authenticate our frontend and even third party services (e.g. a Alexa skill) with users from our express backend. Also, our React frontend also uses OAuth2 to login users. OAuth is quite a topic, so below you can find useful information to get started with the logic.

Obtaining new bearer token

For obtaining a new bearer token only the password grant of the RFC6749 is implemented. To obtain a new, valid token you have to provide the following information:

Body information
  • Grant type: String as in RFC6749 defined (currently only password implemented)
  • Username: Identification (e.g. email) of user that wants to obtain the token
  • Password: Password of user
Header information
  • Authorization: keyword 'Basic' followed by clientId:clientSecret as base64 encoded string
  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Using token to authenticate

After receiving a new bearer token, it can be included in the header of every request to identify the current user.

Header information
  • Authorization: keyword 'Bearer' followed by <access-token> as base64 encoded string

Currently the token includes email and id of a user (at time of creation) which would have to be permanently saved (e.g. db, file, etc.) using saveToken()-method.

Example of usage

For testing the examples please make sure you have curl installed on your machine.

Obtaining a new token:
curl http://localhost:3333/oauth/token \
	-d "grant_type=password" \
	-d "username=<username>" \
	-d "password=<verysecret>" \
	-H "Authorization: Basic YWxleGE6c2VjcmV0" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Should result in something like this:

"accessTokenExpiresAt":"2019-05 20T11:22:34.292Z", 
"client": <Your client object>, 
"user": <Your user object>
Using token to authenticate:
curl http://localhost:3333/auth/me \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer 4ca38497aa7e75b4b144933e6eaf744925b23831"

To receive your user object.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment

In order to deploy to AWS EB make sure to have a .npmrc file in the root folder of the project. This is necessary for bcrypt: see here for details. Content of file:

# Force npm to run node-gyp also as root, preventing permission denied errors in AWS with npm@5 or @6

The folder .ebextensions contains the node command to start up the application on AWS EB. Will be removed after forking.