Partially working but still a WIP, currently able to bootstrap machines over winrm using http.
Note: Windows with Chef provisioning is currently only usable with a hosted/on-premise chef server, chef-zero will not work here. :(
Clone this repository.
$ git clone
Build the gem.
$ gem build chef-provisioning-winrm.gemspec
Note If you're using ChefDK, this should be installed under the ChefDK Ruby using chef gem <build|install>
Install the gem.
$ sudo gem install chef-provisioning-winrm-0.1.1.gem
required machine options: only one is required
:ip_address, :fqdn
valid options:
:winrm_user, - defaults to Administrator :winrm_pass, - defaults to an empty string :winrm_port, - defaults to 5985
require 'chef/provisioning/winrm_driver'
with_driver 'winrm'
with_chef_server '<your_org>',{
:client_name => Chef::Config[:node_name],
:signing_key_filename => Chef::Config[:client_key]
machine 'what-do' do
action [:converge]
machine_options :winrm_options => {
:winrm_user => 'vagrant',
:winrm_pass => 'vagrant',
:winrm_port => '5985',
:ip_address => ''
role 'win_base'