Haversine: Manual implementation of the Haversine (great-circle) distance between two geospatial coordinates

To do:

  • Update README with installation, usage, etc.
  • Write unit tests
  • Change import usage to accept list(s) of coordinate points
  • Add CLI arg for specifying lat long vs long lat

Installation: Clone this repository, cd into the directory, pip install .


Package import usage:

from haversine import haversine_distance
dist = haversine_distance(38.89220430021896, -77.05003345757281, 38.892175669253966, -77.02004891843859, 'kilometers')

CLI usage:

usage: haversine [-h] --coordinates [COORDINATES ...] [--unit UNIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --coordinates [COORDINATES ...]
                        Latitude1 Longitude1 Latitude2 Longitude2
  --unit UNIT           Earth unit for Haversine distance metric.

Example: haversine --coordinates 38.89220430021896 -77.05003345757281 38.892175669253966 -77.02004891843859 --unit kilometers