
Course project for Getting and Cleaning Data class using data set of Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones

Primary LanguageR


This is a solution for the course project of Johns Hopkins' Getting and Cleaning Data on Coursera.

The solution contains:

  • README.md - this readme file.
  • run_analysis.R - the R script that generates the project's solution.
  • CodeBook.md - a code book that describes the variables, the data, and the transformations performed to create the data.

Running run_analysis.R

Step 1: Download UCI HAR Dataset

The run_analysis.R script requires the UCI HAR Dataset directory be downloaded, extracted, and within R's working directory.

Step 2: Install R packages

The following packages are required to for run_analysis.R:

  1. data.table
  2. dplyr
  3. stringr
install.packages(c("data.table", "dplyr", "stringr"))

Step 3: Execute run_analysis.R

The script run_analysis.R can be sourced, assuming the working directory includes the UCI HAR Dataset from Step 1 and the packages are installed from Step 2.


Output: summarizedHarData.txt

The output of run_analysis.R is the file summarizedHarData.txt in the working directory.