
AnswerJS Query Builder

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AnswerJS is a framework to allow novice users to quickly and easily build complex queries.

###Components AnswerJS is made up of a set of UI widgets for building queries and displaying their results and a backend for compiling and executing them.

####UI Widgets

  • Answer Field Picker: Display the available fields to the user to be dragged and dropped onto other widgets.
  • Answer Field List: Build a list of fields to be returned.
  • Answer Criteria List: Build a list of criteria.
  • Answer Query Description: Display an English language representation of the query.
  • Answer Results: Display the results of the query.
  • Answer Save Dialog: Edit the query metadata attributes for saving.
  • Answer Query Browser: Browse a list a saved queries and choose one to load.


  • Query Compiler: Compiles the query into an executable form that can be executed by the Query Execution Engine.
  • Query Execution Engine: Takes a compiled query, executes it, and returns the results as JSON.
  • Query Persistance: Save and load query models.