
Python library for creating data pipelines based on the Scala/Spark collections APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Coverage Status ReadTheDocs Latest Version Gitter


ScalaFunctional exists to make functional programming with collections easy and intuitive in Python. It implements the Scala collections and Apache Spark RDD APIs in Python to provide access to a rich and declarative way of defining data pipelines.

Below is a comparison of using Python builtins, list comprehensions, and ScalaFunctional

l = [1, 2, -1, -2]

# Python style
reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, map(lambda x: 2 * x, filter(lambda x: x > 0, l)))

# Python list comprehension
reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [2 * x for x in l if x > 0])

# ScalaFunctional style
from functional import seq
seq(l).filter(lambda x: x > 0).map(lambda x: 2 * x).reduce(lambda x, y: x * y)

ScalaFunctional also makes other tasks much easier than using only python's built in utilities. Below are examples of several tasks such as word count and merging data from two streams.

# ScalaFunctional word count
l = seq("I dont want to believe I want to know".split(" "))
l.map(lambda word: (word, 1)).reduce_by_key(lambda x, y: x + y)
# [('dont', 1), ('I', 2), ('to', 2), ('know', 1), ('want', 2), ('believe', 1)]

# List of key value pairs, where the key is an ID and we want values joined
names = [(1, 'spark'), (2, 'hadoop'), (3, 'django')]
languages = [(1, 'scala'), (2, 'java'), (3, 'python')]
joined = seq(names).inner_join(languages).to_dict()
# {1: ('spark', 'scala'), 2: ('hadoop', 'java'), 3: ('django', 'python')}

More examples and motivation.


ScalaFunctional is available on pypi and can be installed by running:

# Install from command line
$ pip install scalafunctional

Or by

git clone git@github.com:EntilZha/ScalaFunctional.git
python setup.py install

Then import the package using: from functional import seq


Full documentation can be found at scalafunctional.readthedocs.org.

Summary of Streams, Transformations and Actions

ScalaFunctional has three types of functions:

  1. Streams read data for use by the collections API. In 0.3.1 the only stream function is seq, however in 0.4.0 this is getting expanded to read data from text, csv, json, and jsonl files.
  2. Transformations: These mutate data from streams with functions such as map, flat_map, and filter
  3. Actions: These cause a series of transformations to evaluate to a concrete value. For example, to_list, reduce, and to_dict are examples of actions.

To summarize, suppose we have: seq(1, 2, 3).map(lambda x: x * 2).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y), seq is the stream, map is the transformation, and reduce is the action.

Streams (seq) API

The primary entrypoint to using ScalaFunctional is through functional.seq. seq can take any iterable as input and returns a functional.Sequence which exposes the collections API described in the table below. seq can be called in various ways demonstrated below:

# Passing a list
seq([1, 1, 2, 3]).to_set()
# [1, 2, 3]

# Passing direct arguments
seq(1, 1, 2, 3).map(lambda x: x).to_list()
# [1, 1, 2, 3]

# Passing a single value
seq(1).map(lambda x: -x).to_list()
# [-1]

Collections (transformations and actions) API

Below is the complete list of functions which can be called on the object created by seq otherwise known as a functional.Sequence.

Function Description Type
map(func)/select(func) Maps func onto elements of sequence transformation
filter(func)/where(func) Filters elements of sequence to only those where func(element) is True transformation
filter_not(func) Filters elements of sequence to only those where func(element) is False transformation
flatten() Flattens sequence of lists to a single sequence transformation
flat_map(func) func must return an iterable. Maps func to each element, then merges the result to one flat sequence transformation
group_by(func) Groups sequence into (key, value) pairs where key=func(element) and value is from the original sequence transformation
group_by_key() Groups sequence of (key, value) pairs by key transformation
reduce_by_key(func) Reduces list of (key, value) pairs using func transformation
union(other) Union of unique elements in sequence and other transformation
intersection(other) Intersection of unique elements in sequence and other transformation
difference(other) New sequence with unique elements present in sequence but not in other transformation
symmetric_difference(other) New sequence with unique elements present in sequnce or other, but not both transformation
distinct() Returns distinct elements of sequence. Elements must be hashable transformation
distinct_by(func) Returns distinct elements of sequence using func as a key transformation
drop(n) Drop the first n elements of the sequence transformation
drop_right(n) Drop the last n elements of the sequence transformation
drop_while(func) Drop elements while func evaluates to True, then returns the rest transformation
take(n) Returns sequence of first n elements transformation
take_while(func) Take elements while func evaluates to True, then drops the rest transformation
init() Returns sequence without the last element transformation
tail() Returns sequence without the first element transformation
inits() Returns consecutive inits of sequence transformation
tails() Returns consecutive tails of sequence transformation
zip(other) Zips the sequence with other transformation
zip_with_index() Zips the sequence with the index starting at zero on the left side transformation
enumerate(start=0) Zips the sequence with the index starting at start on the left side transformation
inner_join(other) Returns inner join of sequence with other. Must be a sequence of (key, value) pairs transformation
outer_join(other) Returns outer join of sequence with other. Must be a sequence of (key, value) pairs transformation
left_join(other) Returns left join of sequence with other. Must be a sequence of (key, value) pairs transformation
right_join(other) Returns right join of sequence with other. Must be a sequence of (key, value) pairs transformation
join(other, join_type='inner') Returns join of sequence with other as specified by join_type. Must be a sequence of (key, value) pairs transformation
partition(func) Partitions the sequence into elements which satisfy func(element) and those that don't transformation
grouped(size) Partitions the elements into groups of size size transformation
sorted(key=None, reverse=False)/order_by(func) Returns elements sorted according to python sorted transformation
reverse() Returns the reversed sequence transformation
slice(start, until) Sequence starting at start and including elements up to until transformation
head() / first() Returns first element in sequence action
head_option() Returns first element in sequence or None if its empty action
last() Returns last element in sequence action
last_option() Returns last element in sequence or None if its empty action
len() / size() Returns length of sequence action
count(func) Returns count of elements in sequence where func(element) is True action
empty() Returns True if the sequence has zero length action
non_empty() Returns True if sequence has non-zero length action
all() Returns True if all elements in sequence are truthy action
exists(func) Returns True if func(element) for any element in the sequence is True action
for_all(func) Returns True if func(element) is True for all elements in the sequence action
find(func) Returns the element that first evaluates func(element) to True action
any() Returns True if any element in sequence is truthy action
max() Returns maximal element in sequence action
min() Returns minimal element in sequence action
max_by(func) Returns element with maximal value func(element) action
min_by(func) Returns element with minimal value func(element) action
sum() Returns the sum of elements action
product() Returns the product of elements action
fold_left(zero_value, func) Reduces element from left to right using func and initial value zero_value action
fold_right(zero_value, func) Reduces element from right to left using func and initial value zero_value action
make_string(separator) Returns string with separator between each str(element) action
dict(default=None) / to_dict(default=None) Converts a sequence of (Key, Value) pairs to a dictionary. If default is not None, it must be a value or zero argument callable which will be used to create a collections.defaultdict action
list() / to_list() Converts sequence to a list action
set() / to_set() Converts sequence to a set action
cache() Forces evaluation of sequence immediately and caches the result action
for_each(func) Executes func on each element of the sequence action


Another python package named fn is also helpful. It can be installed via pip install fn and can remove the need for direct lambdas.

from functional import seq
from fn import _

seq(1, 2, 3).map(_ * 2).reduce(_ + _)
# 12

Road Map

Version 0.4.0

Implement new ways to have ScalaFunctional ingest data and write it out. Principally this means implementing reading from files (csv, json, etc) and writing back to them natively. This is being implemented in functional.streams if you would like to check progress

Past next release

  • Parallel execution engine for users wanting to run operations in parallel
  • Decide if package is stable enough to prepare a 1.0 release

Contributing and Bug Fixes

Any contributions or bug reports are welcome. Thus far, there is a 100% acceptance rate for pull requests and contributors have offered valuable feedback and critique on code. It is great to hear from users of the package, especially what it is used for, what works well, and what could be improved.