
SmartSPEC is a smart space simulator and data generator that creates customizable smart space datasets using semantic models of spaces, people, events and sensors.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Project Description

SmartSPEC is a smart space simulator and data generator that creates customizable smart space datasets using semantic models of spaces, people, events and sensors. We employ ML-based approaches to characterize and learn attributes of the embedded people and events in a sensorized space and apply an event-driven simulation strategy to generate realistic simulated data about the space (events, trajectories, sensor datasets, etc.).

The SmartSPEC architecture consists of two main components:

  • Scenario Learning, which uses input seed connectivity data and a priori knowledge of the underlying space and sensors to learn high-order concepts of events, people and trajectories, which we refer to as "metaevents", "metapeople" and "metatrajectories", respectively; and

  • Scenario Generation, which takes SmartSPEC data to generate a synthetic dataset from which a smart space dataset (e.g., trajectory dataset, sensor observation dataset, etc.) can be derived. We use the variations of the data models described below to define various scenarios, which drives the generation of new observable phenomena in the smart space.

SmartSPEC Architecture


The Scenario Learning component of SmartSPEC requires the following:

Note that most of these requirements can be fulfilled by using an Anaconda environment. After installing Anaconda, open the Anaconda command line and execute:

conda create --name smartspec
conda activate smartspec
conda install python-rapidjson numpy pandas matplotlib tqdm scikit-learn 
pip install ruptures mysql-connector-python

Note that there may be some secondary dependencies to install; please refer to the installation guides for the appropriate dependency if there are issues.

A local MySQL database is used as the data source for learning metaevents and metapeople. To set up the local data source:

  • Start your local MySQL service
  • Create a database named simulation_seed with a table connectivity. This can be accomplished with the following SQL script.
CREATE TABLE simulation_seed.connectivity 
    wifi_ap VARCHAR(32) NULL,
    cnx_time DATETIME NULL,
    client_id VARCHAR(64) NULL
  • Populate table by importing data. This data should be in the following form:
1,2017-01-01 07:30:31,81
9,2017-01-01 10:39:13,72
8,2017-01-01 10:40:08,72

Please note that you may need to modify the default security settings of MySQL in order to create the MySQL database (e.g., configure database user to authenticate via mysql_native_password.

  • Note, the local data queries can be optimized by setting indices as follows:
CREATE INDEX cnx_date ON simulation_seed.connectivity (cnx_time);
CREATE INDEX idx_ap ON simulation_seed.connectivity (wifi_ap);
CREATE INDEX time_and_ap ON simulation_seed.connectivity (cnx_time, wifi_ap);

The Scenario Generation component of SmartSPEC requires

  • C++ (version >= 17)
  • boost (version >= 1.68.0)
  • date (included in project)
  • rapidjson (included in project)

Using SmartSPEC

SmartSPEC provides three modes of operation to generate synthetic data varying in the level of user involvement/automation (see figure below). The steps to use our system are as follows:

  • Define the simulated space and its embedded sensors (1).
  • Define MetaPeople and MetaEvents manually (2a) or automatically (2b).
  • Define specific people and events based on the previous metamodels manually (3a) or automatically (3b).
  • Configure the simulation and automatically generate the synthetic dataset (4).

SmartSPEC Workflows

Scenario Learning: Configurations and Data Models

Config File

Config.txt is a configuration file used to run SmartSPEC in the scenario learning phase. It lists many learning parameters, as shown below:

start       = DateStr
end         = DateStr
unit        = int
validity    = int
smooth      = str (one of "EMA", "SMA")
window      = int
time-thresh = int
occ-thresh  = int

spaces     = Path
metaevents = Path
metapeople = Path
people     = Path
events     = Path
plots      = Path

In the learners section, start and end refer to the start and end dates (expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD') for learning. unit denotes the number of minutes to group connection events. validity refers to the number of minutes for which the client will stay around the sensor. smooth and window are used to indicate the type of smoothening function to apply to the occupancy graphs; use smooth=SMA to apply a simple moving average and smooth=EMA to apply an exponential moving average. The time-thresh determines a minimum duration (minutes) required to realize an event. occ-thresh determines the minimum number of attendees required to realize an event.

The relative paths to files used as input / produced as output should be specified in the filepaths section. plots is a directory where plots of learned events will be saved.


start       = 2017-04-01
end         = 2017-05-01
unit        = 5
validity    = 10
smooth      = EMA
window      = 10
time-thresh = 30
occ-thresh  = 1

spaces     = data/demo/Spaces.json
metaevents = data/demo/MetaEvents.json
metapeople = data/demo/MetaPeople.json
people     = data/demo/People.json
events     = data/demo/Events.json
plots      = data/demo/plots

Input Seed Data

Please read the requirements for Scenario Learning mentioned here.

Scenario Generation: Configurations and Data Models

Config File

Another Config.txt is used as a configuration file used to run SmartSPEC in the scenario generation phase. It lists many simulation parameters, as shown below:

number = int
generation = str (one of "none", "diff", "all")

number = int
generation = str (one of "none", "diff", "all")

start = DateStr
end   = DateStr

metapeople          = Path
metaevents          = Path
people              = Path
events              = Path
spaces              = Path
sensors             = Path
output              = Path
generated-files     = Path
shortest-path-cache = Path

In the people section, number refers to the number of people to simulate and generation refers to the manner in which new people (if any) should be added. If generation=none, then number is ignored and the people specified in filepaths/people will be used. If generation=diff, then one of each metaperson will first be generated (up to number), then additional people will be added (up to number). If generation=all, then number people will be generated using metapeople. The options number and generation work similarly in the events section.

In the synthetic-data-generator section, start and end refer to strings of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' that denote the start and end date of the simulation.

The relative paths to files used as input / produced as output should be specified in the filepaths section. Note that shortest-path-cache is a cache file used to store shortest paths between spaces (a default for determining trajectories between spaces).


number = 500
generation = all

number = 5000
generation = diff

start = 2018-01-08
end   = 2018-01-29

metapeople          = data/demo/MetaPeople.json
metaevents          = data/demo/MetaEvents.json
people              = data/demo/People.json
events              = data/demo/Events.json
spaces              = data/demo/Spaces.json
sensors             = data/demo/Sensors.json
output              = data/demo/output/
generated-files     = data/demo/
shortest-path-cache = data/demo/output/shortest-path-cache.csv

Spaces File

Spaces.json describes a logical space in SmartSPEC. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "description" : str (default=""),
        "coordinates" : [int, int, int],
        "capacity" : int (default=-1),
        "neighbors" : [int]

The id property should uniquely identify a space.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the space.

The coordinates property denotes x,y,z coordinates. The coordinate system is arbitrarily defined by the user.

The capacity property denotes the maximum number of people that can be in the space at the same time. -1 is a special value denoting that a space has infinite capacity.


        "id" : 1,
        "description" : "first floor lobby",
        "coordinates" : [30, 50, 10],
        "capacity" : 30,
        "neighbors" : [2, 3]

Special note: You must also define an extra space entry with id=0 denoting the outside space (conceptually representing when a person is outside of the simulated space).

People File

People.json describes a person in SmartSPEC. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "metaperson-id" : int,
        "description" : str (default=""),
        "profile-index" : int

The id property should uniquely identify a person.

The metaperson-id property determines the metaperson group to which the person belongs.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the person.

The profile-index property denotes the time profile index to use in the associated metaperson entry.


        "id" : 14,
        "metaperson-id" : 2,
        "description" : "Alice",
        "profile-index" : 0

Events File

Events.json describes a semantic event in SmartSPEC. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "metaevent-id" : int,
        "description" : str (default=""),
        "profile-index" : int,
        "space-ids" : [int],
        "capacity" : [
                "metaperson-id" : int, 
                "range" : [int, int]

The id property should uniquely identify an event.

The metaevent-id property determines the metaevent group to which the event belongs.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the event.

The profile-index property denotes the time profile index to use in the associated metaevent entry.

The `space-ids" property denotes the spaces in which the event can take place.

The capacity property denotes the number of people of each type of metaperson. The range property specifies bounds ([lo, high]) on the number of people in attendance.


        "id" : 20,
        "metaevent-id" : 12,
        "description" : "Computer Lab #5",
        "profile-index" : 1,
        "space-ids" : [183, 189, 192],
        "capacity" : [
                "metaperson-id" : 1,
                "range" : [2, 8]
                "metaperson-id" : 2,
                "range" : [0, 1]

Special Note 1: A special event with id=0 denoting the "leisure" event should be defined. The leisure event serves as a default event that a person will attend if they are unable to attend any other event.

Special Note 2: Additionally, a special event with id=-1 denoting an "out-of-simulation" event will be also defined automatically; it serves as a placeholder event to indicate that a person is arriving / leaving the simulated space at the start/end of the day, respectively.

Sensors File

Sensors.json describes both in-situ and mobile sensors in SmartSPEC. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "description" : str (default="")
        "mobility" : str (either "static" or "mobile"),
        "coverage" : [int] or int,
        "interval" : int

The id property should uniquely identify a sensor.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the sensor.

The mobility property is a string taking on one of the values "static" or "mobile". An in-situ sensor is modeled with mobility="static" and a list of covered spaces coverage=[int].

The interval property determines the periodic interval in minutes for which the sensor produces observations.


        "id" : 3,
        "description" : "hallway"
        "mobility" : "static",
        "coverage" : [40, 41, 43],
        "interval" : 60

MetaPeople File

MetaPeople.json describes a characterization of a group of similar people. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "description" : str (default=""),
        "probability" : int or double,
        "time-profiles" : [
                "probability" : int or double,
                "profile" : TimeProfile
        "event-affinity" : [
                "metaevent-id" : int,
                "probability" : int or double

The id property should uniquely identify a metaperson.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the metaperson.

The probability property denotes the proportion of the population that the metaperson represents. It is used to generate additional people. This number is normalized if the sum of probabilities across metapeople is greater than 1.

The time-profiles property denotes a list of time profiles profile, each with a given probability probability of selection. See below for a description of a time profile. The probabilty is normalized if the sum across time profiles is greater than 1. The time profiles denote the days and times for which a person enters/exits the simulated space.

The event-affinity property denotes the probabilities with which people in this group of metapeople will attend events. The probabilities specified here should be relative to each other.


        "id" : 22,
        "description" : "student",
        "probability" : 15,
        "time-profiles" : [
                "probability" : 1,
                "profile" : [
                        "pattern": {
                            "start-date" : "2018-01-11",
                            "end-date" : "2018-02-05",
                            "period" : "week",
                            "period-details" : {
                                "days-of-week" : [4]
                        "duration" : {
                            "start-time" : ["09:35:00", "00:10:00"],
                            "end-time" : ["12:20:00", "00:10:00"],
                            "required" : ["02:00:00", "00:15:00"]
        "event-affinity" : [
                "metaevent-id" : 5,
                "probability" : 10
                "metaevent-id" : 7,
                "probability" : 20

MetaEvents File

MetaEvents.json describes a characterization of a group of similar events. It is encoded by the following JSON formatted file:

        "id" : int,
        "description" : str (default=""),
        "probability" : int or double,
        "spaces" : {
            "space-ids" : [int],
            "number" : int
        "time-profiles" : [
                "probability" : int or double,
                "profile" : TimeProfile
        "capacity" : [
                "metaperson-id" : int,
                "lo" : [int, int],
                "hi" : [int, int]

The id property should uniquely identify a metaevent.

The description property is optional and provides a user-friendly name for the metaevent.

The probability property denotes the number of events in the metaevent group. It is used to generate additional events. The number is normalized to become a proportion.

The spaces property denotes the potential spaces for which events in this metaevent group take place. In the generation process, number spaces are selected at random from the space-ids list.

The time-profiles property denotes a list of time profiles profile, each with a given probability probability of selection. See below for a description of a time profile. The probabilty is normalized if the sum across time profiles is greater than 1. The time profiles denote the days and times for which an event occurs.

The capacity property denotes the attendance ranges for different types of metapeople. The lo and hi properties denote mean and standard deviation parameters for a Normal distribution.


        "id" : 8,
        "description" : "Operating Systems Lecture"
        "probability" : 10,
        "spaces" : {
            "space-ids" : [1000],
            "number" : 1
        "time-profiles" : [
                "probability" : 1.0,
                "profile" : [
                        "pattern": {
                            "start-date" : "2018-01-08",
                            "end-date" : "2018-03-06",
                            "period" : "week",
                            "period-details" : {
                                "days-of-week" : [1,3,5]
                        "duration" : {
                            "start-time" : ["09:00:00", "00:02:00"],
                            "end-time" : ["09:50:00", "00:02:00"],
                            "required" : ["00:45:00", "00:05:00"]
        "capacity" : [
                "metaperson-id" : 7,
                "lo" : [30, 5],
                "hi" : [200, 30]


TimeProfile: Used for both MetaPeople and MetaEvents; it denotes an "active" time period for an "active" day. The semantics of an "active" day and time depends on the object it describes: an active day/time for an event denotes when the event occurs, and an active day/time for a person denotes the expected time of entry/exit from the simulated space. It is encoded as follows:

        "pattern" : {
            "start-date" : DateStr,
            "end-date" : DateStr,
            "period" : See below,
            "period-details" : See below
        "duration" : {
            "start-time" : [TimeStr, TimeStr],
            "end-time" : [TimeStr, TimeStr],
            "required" : [TimeStr, TimeStr]

The start-date and end-date properties are strings in the form of 'YYYY-MM-DD' and denote the start/end dates of the time profile pattern. The period and period-details properties are explained below.

The start-time and end-time properties are strings in the form 'HH:MM:SS' and denote the start/end times for a given active day. The 2-list represents a mean time and standard deviation time as parameters to a Normal distribution.

The required property denotes the minimum duration of an active period -- for people, this denotes the minimum amount of time that they must be able to attend an event before committing, and for events, this denotes the minimum amount of time that the event spans. The required property is defined by a mean time and standard deviation time, also as parameters to a Normal distribution.

There are several different values for the attributes period and period-details as follows:

  1. Daily Period: Denotes an active day that "repeats every days" (e.g., repeats every 3 days)
    "period" : "day",
    "period-details" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1)
  1. Weekly Period: Denotes an active day that "repeats on of every week" (e.g., repeats every MWF of every 2 weeks). Note, that the are integers corresponding to the ISO Week (Mon=1, Sun=7).
    "period" : "week",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "days-of-week" : [int]
  1. Monthly Period, Pattern A: Denotes an active day that "repeats on of every month" (e.g., repeats every 3rd, 5th, and 10th day of every 2 months).
    "period" : "month",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "days-of-month" : [int]
  1. Monthly Period, Pattern B: Denotes an active day that "repeats on , in , every month" (e.g., repeats on MWF in week 1 of every month). Note, that the are integers corresponding to the ISO week (Mon=1, Sun=7).
    "period" : "month",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "weeks-of-month" : [int]
        "days-of-week" : [int]
  1. Yearly Period, Pattern A: Denotes an active day that "repeats on , every year" (e.g., repeat every 1st day of each year)
    "period" : "year",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "days-of-year" : [int]
  1. Yearly Period, Pattern B: Denotes an active day that "repeats on in , every year" (e.g., repeat every MWF in 5th and 10th weeks of every 2nd year)
    "period" : "year",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "weeks-of-year" : [int],
        "days-of-week" : [int]
  1. Yearly Period, Pattern C: Denotes an active day that "repeats on of every , every year" (e.g., repeat on 1st day of every 4nd month of every year)
    "period" : "year",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "months-of-year" : [int],
        "days-of-month" : [int]
  1. Yearly Period, Pattern D: Denotes an active day that "repeats on in each of , every year" (e.g., repeat MWF in each 2nd week of the 5th month, every 4th year)
    "period" : "year",
    "period-detail" : {
        "repeat-every" : int (default=1),
        "months-of-year" : [int],
        "weeks-of-month" : [int],
        "days-of-week" : [int]

Running SmartSPEC

To run the Scenario Learning Component:

Compile: None

Setup: (Recommended) Open the anaconda command prompt and run conda activate smartspec

Run: python main.py <config-file> in the scenario-learning directory

To run the Scenario Generation Component:

Compile (Entity Generator): g++ -std=c++17 entitygen.cpp -o entitygen or make entityGenCompile

Run (Entity Generator): entitygen <config-file>

Compile (Synthetic Data Generator): g++ -std=c++17 datagen.cpp -o datagen or make dataGenCompile

Run (Synthetic Data Generator): datagen <config-file>


If you use this project, please cite the following paper:

Andrew Chio, Daokun Jiang, Peeyush Gupta, Georgios Bouloukakis, Roberto Yus, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian (2022). SmartSPEC: Customizable Smart Space Datasets via Event-driven Simulations. In International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2022 Andrew Chio

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.