R Package: Google Analytics Refresh and Request

Primary LanguageR

#GAR - Google Analytics R ##Instructions for use.

The package is designed to help easily retreive data from Google Analytics.

Use of the package assumes the user has a Google Analytics accounts as well as an 'installed application' project in the Google API/Developer console.

Set Up How To:

  • Create API project in Google console
    • Log into Google API/Developer console
    • console.developers.google.com
    • Create New Project - Name whatever you'd like.
  • Set up project
    • Navigate into project and select APIs & auth from left nav
    • Under API's enable Analytics API
    • Select Credentials
    • Create new client ID > select installed application
    • Copy client id and secret into R
  • Authenticate
    • Use the getCode() to authenticate. This will open up a browswer window and display a code= in the URL bar. Copy this to R.
    • Use the getRefresh() function with the code from previous set to retrieve and long-lived refresh token. Save refresh token for continual use.
  • Get Data
    • Always request an updated access token using the tokenRefresh() with the refresh token saved from before.
    • Use gaRequest() with the access token to retreive analytics data
  • Get Core Reporting Dimensions and Metrics
    • Use getMeta() to retrieve a list of dimensions and metrics availbe in the Core Reporting API.