
agjCalendar is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library to deal with calendars, dates and date ranges.

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agjCalendar is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library to deal with calendars, dates and date ranges.

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agjCalendar is an agjjQuery.org plugin.


// The most basic agjCalendar integration

// An alternative way of doing the same thing
  dateSelector: '#text-input'

// A more complex agjCalendar integration
  dateFormat:          'M j, Y',
  calendarCount:       3,
  inputType:           'text',
  dateSelector:        '#start-date',
  expanderSelector:    '#start-date-icon',
  minimumDate:         '2023-01-01',
  maximumDate:         '2023-12-31',
  defaultDate:         '2023-07-09',
  defaultEndDate:      '2023-07-10',
  allowRange:          true,
  minimumRange:        1,
  maximumRange:        7,
  defaultRange:        2,
  endDateSelector:     '#end-date',
  endExpanderSelector: '#end-date-icon'

There are other examples included in the GitHub repository and on agjCalendar.agjjQuery.org.


When intializing an agjCalendar integration you can set its configuration options by passing a JSON object of values.

// A basic agjCalendar integration that will render a calendar that uses Monday to start the week
  dateSelector:      '#text-input',
  startWeekOnMonday: true

// Alternatively you can use the $.fn.agjCalendar() function for the same result
  startWeekOnMonday: true

A complete list of all options, their default values, valid values and notes is available below.

key type default values notes
allowBlankDates boolean false true
If set to true blank dates will be permitted
allowRange boolean false true
If set to true a second date can be entered with the endDateSelector option or the endMonthSelector and endDaySelector options
autoBlur boolean true if calendarDisplay is set to 'modal' or 'full' otherwise false true
If set to true automatically lose focus (blur) immediately after a text field is focused (only used when inputType is set to 'text')
autoSetEndDate string 'dates' 'blanks'
This option controls whether or not the end date will automatically change when the start date changes;
'blanks' will only trigger when the end date is blank,
'dates' will only trigger when the end date is a date,
'always' will trigger for both and
'never' will trigger for neither (only used when allowRange is set to true)
calendarCount integer 1 1
Defines whether the date picker uses a single, double or triple calendar (only used when calendarDisplay is set to 'inline' or 'modal')
calendarDisplay string 'inline' 'inline'
Toggles whether the date picker is displayed as 'inline', 'modal' or 'full'
calendarSize string 'small' 'small'
Defines whether the date picker displays as small, medium or large (only used when calendarDisplay is set to 'inline' or 'modal')
dateFormat string 'm/d/Y' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for text inputs (only used when inputType is set to 'text')

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatDate string 'j' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for dates on the date picker

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatDateTooltip string 'F j, Y' for English

'j F Y' for non-English
A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for date tooltips on the date picker

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatDayInput string 'j' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for day dropdown inputs (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown' and calendarDisplay is set to 'inline' or 'modal')

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatDayOfWeekTooltip string 'l' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for day of week tooltips on the date picker

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatMonthDropdown string 'M Y' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for the month dropdown on the date picker

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatMonthInput string 'M Y' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for month dropdown inputs (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown' and calendarDisplay is set to 'inline' or 'modal')

See Date Format Options for details
dateFormatMonthLabel string 'F Y' A string using our Date Format Options Determines which date format is used for month labels on the date picker (only used when calendarCount is set to 2 or 3)

See Date Format Options for details
dateSelector string null Accepts a string value for your target text element such as '#text-input' (only used when inputType is set to 'text')
dayNameEllipsis boolean true true
Determines whether longer day names will be cut-off with an ellipsis
dayNameFormat string 'short' 'short'
Determines which day format is used for days of the week on the date picker

'short' = first letter, e.g. F
'abbreviated' = partial name, e.g. Fri
'full' = full name, e.g. Friday
daySelector string null Accepts a string value for your target day dropdown element such as '#day-select' (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown')
defaultDate `Date string` Today’s date A Date object, a string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or 'blank'
defaultEndDate `Date string` Today’s date plus the defaultRange A Date object, a string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or 'blank'
defaultRange integer 0 if the minimumDate and maximumDate options are set to the same date otherwise 1 Any non-negative integer The default date range (only used when allowRange is set to true)
endDateSelector string null The same as dateSelector but for the end date (only used when allowRange is set to true and inputType is set to 'text')
endDaySelector string null The same as daySelector but for the end date (only used when allowRange is set to true and inputType is set to 'dropdown')
endExpanderSelector string null The same as expanderSelector but for the end date (only used when allowRange is set to true)
endMonthSelector string null The same as monthSelector but for the end date (only used when allowRange is set to true and inputType is set to 'dropdown')
excludeDates array [] An array of Date objects and/or strings formatted as YYYY-MM-DD Individual dates that will be excluded from the date picker
expanderSelector string null Accepts a string value for an additional target element to expand the calendar such as '#calendar-icon'
forceMaxZIndex boolean false true
Force the maximum z-index value (2147483647) on the date picker instead of calculating based on an integration’s elements’ z-index values (only used when calendarDisplay is set to 'inline')
inputType string 'text' 'text'
If set to 'text' will use the dateSelector option to store the date or if set to 'dropdown' will use the monthSelector and daySelector options to store the date
language string 'en' 'en'
The language for the text elements on the date picker

'en' = English
'ar' = اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ (Arabic)
'bn' = বাংলা (Bengali)
'de' = Deutsch (German)
'es' = Español (Spanish)
'fr' = Français (French)
'he' = עִבְרִית (Hebrew)
'hi' = आधुनिक मानक हिन्दी (Hindi)
'it' = Italiano (Italian)
'ja' = 日本語 (Japanese)
'ko' = 한국어 (Korean)
'mr' = मराठी (Marathi)
'pa' = پنجابی (Punjabi)
'pt' = Português (Portuguese)
'ru' = русский язык (Russian)
'te' = తెలుగు (Telugu)
'tr' = Türkçe (Turkish)
'ur' = اردو (Urdu)
'vi' = Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
'zh' = 官话 (Chinese Mandarin)

Our online documentation has more details on the translations page
maximumDate `Date string` Today’s date plus one year A Date object or a string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
maximumRange integer The number of days between the minimumDate and maximumDate options Any non-negative integer The maximum date range (only used when allowRange is set to true)
minimumDate `Date string` Today’s date A Date object or a string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
minimumRange integer 0 if the minimumDate and maximumDate options are set to the same date otherwise 1 Any non-negative integer The minimum date range (only used when allowRange is set to true)
monthSelector string null Accepts a string value for your target month dropdown element such as '#month-select' (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown')
overwriteDayOptions boolean true true
If set to true the options on the daySelector and endDaySelector dropdown elements will dynamically update (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown')
overwriteMonthOptions boolean true true
If set to true the options on the monthSelector and endMonthSelector dropdown elements will dynamically update (only used when inputType is set to 'dropdown')
startWeekOnMonday boolean false true
If set to true the weeks on the calendar will start on Monday instead of Sunday
theme string null 'red'
A string of one of the eight included themes or a custom theme that must begin with custom- (our online documentation has more details on the themes page)
translations object [] An object of translations The translations option will always take precedence over the language option

Our online documentation has more details on the translations page

Date Format Options

The plugin uses common date formating for the dateFormat, dateFormatDate, dateFormatDateTooltip, dateFormatDayInput, dateFormatDayOfWeekTooltip, dateFormatMonthDropdown, dateFormatMonthInput and dateFormatMonthLabel options. You can choose any combination of the below characters to format dates for users. The characters are based on PHP’s DateTime::format function which is in turn based on C Standard Library’s strftime function.

Warning: This plugin does not support timezones, all dates and times are treated timezone agnostically

character description example(s)
Day --- ---
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01
D A textual representation of a day, three letters Sun
j Day of the month without leading zeros 1
l (lowercase ‘L’) A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday
N ISO 8601 numeric representation of the day of the week 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th
w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
z The day of the year (starting from 0) 0 through 365
Week --- ---
W ISO 8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
Month --- ---
F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January
m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01
M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan
n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1
t Number of days in the given month 28
Time --- ---
a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm
A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM
g 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12
G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
h 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12
H 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23
i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59
s Seconds with leading zeros 00 through 59
u Microseconds. Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an int parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds. Example: 654321
v Milliseconds. Same note applies as for u. Example: 654
Year --- ---
L Whether it’s a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise
o ISO 8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. 2000
x An expanded full numeric representation if required, or a standard full numeral representation if possible (like Y). At least four digits. Years BCE are prefixed with a -. Years beyond (and including) 10000 are prefixed by a +. Examples: -0055, 0787, 1999, +10191
X An expanded full numeric representation of a year, at least 4 digits, with - for years BCE, and + for years CE Examples: -0055, +0787, +1999, +10191
y A two digit representation of a year 00
Y A full numeric representation of a year, at least 4 digits, with - for years BCE 2000
Full Date --- ---
c ISO 8601 date 2000-01-01T00:00:00
r RFC 2822/RFC 5322 formatted date

Warning: This plugin does not support timezones so this formatted date will always end in +0000
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:01:07 +0000
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) 946706400

Javascript Functions

The majority of the functionality for the agjCalendar plugin is self-contained but there are some functions that are added to extend jQuery that can be accessed by any of your Javascript code. We use the dollar sign alias ($) instead of the jQuery global for documentation but either can be referenced.


var integration = $.agjCalendar({
  dateSelector: '#text-input'
if (integration !== -1) {
  alert('The integration was a success!');
} else {
  alert('The integration failed; check your Javascript console for details.');

The $.agjCalendar() function accepts an options JSON object of values to initialize a new agjCalendar integration. Returns true if the integration was successful or false if it was not.

$.fn.agjCalendar([options] [, callback])

var integration;
  dateFormat: 'Y-m-d'
}, function(returnValue) {
  integration = returnValue;
if (integration !== -1) {
  alert('The integration was a success!');
} else {
  alert('The integration failed; check your Javascript console for details.');

The $.fn.agjCalendar() function works similar to the $.agjCalendar() function but does not require the dateSelector option as you would be selecting the element and calling this function directly off of it. Returns the element to allow for chaining. This function also has an optional callback parameter that will be executed on completion of the integration attempt and will pass the integration attempt outcome into the callback’s first and only parameter.



The $.agjCalendar.addRegexTextPattern() function will add a regular expression pattern to the plugin’s text checks. This function should be used if custom unicode characters are being used in custom translations. Our online documentation has more details on the translations page.

$.agjCalendar.dateToString(date, dateFormat[, translations])

var formattedDate = $.agjCalendar.dateToString(new Date(), 'j F Y');

The $.agjCalendar.dateToString() function will accept a date & date format and return a formatted string. It also accepts an optional translations parameters which is an object of translations (including day and month names) which will be used in the string, if no translations are passed the included English translations will be used. Read more about date format options and custom translations.



The $.agjCalendar.deactivate() function will deactivate any active date pickers.


var integration = $.agjCalendar({
  dateSelector: '#text-input'
if (integration !== -1) {

The $.agjCalendar.disable() function will disable an agjCalendar integration after it has been initialized.



The $.agjCalendar.disableEmojiSupport() function will disable emoji support for custom translations.

Warning: Emoji support will have issues with older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer specifically 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 as they don’t support ECMAScript 2018. To support older browsers we recommend using $.agjCalendar.addRegexTextPattern() and passing each emoji character you want to use.



The $.agjCalendar.enableEmojiSupport() function will enable emoji support for custom translations.

Warning: Emoji support will have issues with older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer specifically 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 as they don’t support ECMAScript 2018. To support older browsers we recommend using $.agjCalendar.addRegexTextPattern() and passing each emoji character you want to use.


var dateInFrench = $.agjCalendar.dateToString(
  new Date(),
  'j F Y',

The $.agjCalendar.getIncludedTranslations() function will return an object of translations for one of the plugin’s included translations.


if ($.agjCalendar.isActive()) {
  alert('There is a date picker currently active!');
} else {
  alert('There are no date pickers currently active.');

The $.agjCalendar.isActive() function will determine whether or not any date pickers are active. Returns true if a date picker is active or false if none are.

$.agjCalendar.stringToDate(string, dateFormat[, translations])

var extractedDate = $.agjCalendar.stringToDate('1 January 2000', 'j F Y');
if (extractedDate !== -1) {
  alert('Date successfully extracted: ' + extractedDate);
} else {
  alert('The date extraction failed.');

The $.agjCalendar.stringToDate() function will accept a string & date format and return a date object. It also accepts an optional translations parameters which is an object of translations (including day and month names) which will be used in parsing the string, if no translations are passed the included English translations will be used. Read more about date format options and custom translations.


You will need an HTML reference to jQuery in order for the plugin to function.

<!-- Reference to the jQuery Javascript library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>

With npm or Yarn

This plugin offers support for the npm and Yarn dependency managers. You can find the agjCalendar package online on npmjs.com.

Install using npm

Run this command to install the plugin using npm:

npm install agjcalendar

Install using Yarn

Run this command to install the plugin using Yarn:

yarn add agjcalendar

Once installed you can start using agjCalendar within your project by adding HTML references to the plugin’s Javascript and CSS stylesheet files.

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar jQuery plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./node_modules/agjcalendar/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.js"></script>

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar CSS stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">@import './node_modules/agjcalendar/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.css';</style>

With Bower

This plugin also offers support for the now-deprecated Bower dependency manager.

Install using Bower

Run this command to install the plugin using Bower:

bower install andrewgjohnson/agjCalendar --save

Once installed you can start using agjCalendar within your project by adding HTML references to the plugin’s Javascript and CSS stylesheet files.

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar jQuery plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./bower_components/agjCalendar/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.js"></script>

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar CSS stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">@import './bower_components/agjCalendar/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.css';</style>

Without npm, Yarn or Bower

To use without npm, Yarn or Bower add HTML references to the Javascript source and the CSS source which you will need to download and host. Run these commands to download them via the terminal:

curl -o jquery.agjCalendar.min.css 'https://agjCalendar.agjjQuery.org/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.min.css'
curl -o jquery.agjCalendar.min.js 'https://agjCalendar.agjjQuery.org/source/agjCalendar/jquery.agjCalendar.min.js'

Once downloaded, you must reference the files in your HTML:

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar jQuery plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.agjCalendar.min.js"></script>

<!-- Reference to the agjCalendar CSS stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">@import 'jquery.agjCalendar.min.css';</style>

Backwards Compatibility

The plugin strives to keep backwards compatibiltiy with all past releases. New features should be off by default with few exceptions. Changes to existing features should continue to support past options/values/configurations so older integrations of agjCalendar will continue to function without any need for change if their core plugin is updated.

List of Backward Compatibility Changes

version deprecated feature backwards support
v1.0.0 $.ctcCalendar() function The plugin was renamed from ctcCalendar to agjCalendar

The $.ctcCalendar() function is now an alias of $.agjCalendar()
v1.0.0 autoSetEndDate options true and false autoSetEndDate deprecated boolean values in favour of four possible strings ('always', 'never', 'blanks' and 'dates')

true is now an alias of 'always' and false is now an alias of 'never' for the autoSetEndDate option
v1.2.0 dayNameFormat option 'medium' dayNameFormat deprecated 'medium' in favour of 'abbreviated'

'medium' is now an alias of 'abbreviated' for the dayNameFormat option
v1.2.0 dateFormat options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 dateFormat was refactored to allow for custom formats

1 is now an alias of 'm/d/Y', 2 is now an alias of 'M j, Y', 3 is now an alias of 'd/m/Y', 4 is now an alias of 'Y-m-d' and 5 is now an alias of 'j F Y' for the dateFormat and dateFormatDateTooltip options
v1.2.0 $.agjCalendar returns -1 instead of false on failure Successful integrations function in the same manner but failures will now return -1 instead of false
v1.2.0 The z-index CSS values of the calendar and modal background elements now change dynamically based upon the integration elements when calendarDisplay is set to 'inline' Previously the z-index CSS value was always set to the maximum for the calendar element and maximum minus one for the modal background element when calendarDisplay was set to 'inline' which will still happen if the integration sets the forceMaxZIndex option to true (which is set to false by default)
v1.2.0 The autoBlur option will be automatically set to true when the calendarDisplay option is set to 'modal' or 'full' Previously all integrations of agjCalendar had the false behaviour which is still the case for integrations with the calendarDisplay set to 'inline' and can still happen if the autoBlur option is set to false

Older Versions of jQuery

The plugin is designed to work with the newest version of jQuery (3.7.1) but will also work with older versions of jQuery 3.x as well as jQuery 2.x (tested up to 2.2.4) and jQuery 1.x (tested up to 1.12.4). We recommend using the newest version of jQuery.

Unit Testing

The plugin uses jQuery’s QUnit framework for unit testing. All units tests are located in the qunit.js file. The unit tests can be run online in-browser at agjCalendar.agjjQuery.org/tests/index.html. We strive to cover all public facing functions and API’s to ensure all permutations of parameters, options, fail scenarios, success scenarios, etc. are covered. Many novel scenarios are included in the unit tests to achieve high code coverage.

Help Requests

Please post any questions in the discussions area on GitHub if you need help.

If you discover a bug please enter an issue on GitHub. When submitting an issue please use our issue templates.


Please read our contributing guidelines if you want to contribute.

You can contribute financially by becoming a patron at patreon.com/agjopensource to support agjCalendar and other agjjQuery.org plugins.

Patreon - Become a Patron


This plugin was started by Andrew G. Johnson (@andrewgjohnson).

Full list of contributors:

Our security policies and procedures comes via the atomist/samples project. Our issue templates comes via the tensorflow/tensorflow project. Our pull request template comes via the stevemao/github-issue-templates project. The forest photo comes via Radek Homola.


You can find all notable changes in the changelog.