- Networking - HTTP/HTTPS and Web Server (Apprentice Developer)
- Design Patterns (Apprentice)
- Security and Cyber Concepts (Apprentice Developer)
- Java 8 Programmer (Apprentice Developer)
- Testing (Unit) - JUnit5 (Apprentice Developer)
- Build Tool - Maven 2 (Apprentice Developer)
- Persistence (Relational) - MySQL (Apprentice Developer)
- Design Patterns in Spring: Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
- Spring Container (Beans, Wiring, Aspect-Oriented Spring)
- Spring Configuration
- Testing Spring Applications
- Data Access and Transaction Management
- Web Applications with Spring MVC
- Packaging Apps with Spring Boot (SUPPLEMENTAL)
- Spring Security (SUPPLEMENTAL)
- Microserivces with Spring Cloud (SUPPLEMENTAL)
- Pivotal's Core Spring (F2F Course at Skills Matter) - all above topics, including supplemental ones
- Spring in Action (4th Ed.) (Craig Walls) - all above topics apart from Spring Cloud
- Pivotal's Spring Guides - quick starts on specific topics, designed to be completed in 15 - 20 minutes - all above topics, including supplemental ones
- Pivotal's Spring Documentation - in-depth documention, per Spring project - all above topics, including supplemental ones
- Spring Recipies: A Problem-Solving Approach (3rd Ed.) (Rubio and Long)
- Spring Professional Certification
- core-spring-developer (SkillsMatter)
- spring-professional (Pivotal)
- Follow the Pivotal Guides