These scripts are designed to load the Australian Electoral Commission data into a PostgreSQL database.
At the moment only the Votes, Turnout & Informal Votes datasets are imported for years 2010 and 2007.
According to the AEC data presented on their website at is Copyright by the Commonwealth as represented by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence (CC BY 3.0).
Thanks to the AEC for releasing this data under a free and open license.
All the files within this aec2pgsql repository are released under the CC0 license by Andrew Harvey Although not required, I would prefer you give Attribution and release derived works or modifications under the same CC0 license.
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0
with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to this work.
Debian Dependencies: postgresql-client, libtext-csv-perl, wget, make
The scripts assume you have a PostgreSQL database up and running and set up your PG* environment variables such that a plain call to psql will give you access to the database (though I give some pointers in the next section).
If you don't already have a database and database user set up, then you can set up the user and database on Debian using,
sudo su - postgres
createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --superuser aec
createdb --owner=aec aec
Once that is set up, the rest of the process is as follows.
You need to set up and export some PG environment variables otherwise the PostgreSQL defaults will be used. For example,
export PGHOST=localhost
export PGDATABASE=aec
export PGUSER=aec
Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for details on the environment variables which you can set.
Next just run,
That will download the raw CSV files, run some tests on them, create the schema in PostgreSQL, and finally load the data into PostgreSQL.
Once everything has been loaded into PostgreSQL using these scripts you can create a PostgreSQL dump file using,
pg_dump --format plain --schema "aec_*" --no-owner | xz > aec-dump.sql.xz
I host a copy of this file at
It can be loaded using,
xzcat aec-dump.sql.xz | psql -f -
The scripts within asgs-join are designed to help link the AEC data with the ASGS as published by the ABS. It assumes you've loaded the ASGS with aec2pgsql.
All the scripts within this directory have targets in the Makefile.
To create a view which links the AEC data with the ASGS use,
make join_asgs
To create a full AEC dataset CSV export with the ASGS primary key included use,
make export_aec_asgs_csv