
Fuzzy Fed ABA Routing Number and Bank Name Lookup.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card Apache 2 licensed

Package github.com/moov-io/fed implements utility services for searching the United States Federal Reserve System such as ABA routing numbers, Financial Institution name lookup and Fed Wire routing information. Moov's primary usage for this project is with ACH origination in our paygate project.

Docs: Project | API Endpoints

Project Status

Moov Fed is actively used in multiple production environments. Please star the project if you are interested in its progress. We would appreciate any issues created or pull requests. Thanks!


The github.com/moov-io/fed Go package offers search for FEDACH and FEDWIRE Participants.

To get started using Fed download the latest release or our Docker image. We also have docker images for OpenShift.

Note: The Docker image ships with old data files (FedACHdir.txt and fpddir.txt) as example data. In a production deployment updated files should be obtained from your Financial Institution and provided to the server process. The official JSON file format from the Federal Reserve is also supported.

ACH Routing Number Example

Fed can be used to lookup a Financial Institutions for Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers by their routing number (?routingNumber=...) or name (?name=...):

$ curl -s localhost:8086/fed/ach/search?routingNumber=273976369 | jq .
  "achParticipants": [
      "routingNumber": "273976369",
      "officeCode": "O",
      "servicingFRBNumber": "071000301",
      "recordTypeCode": "1",
      "revised": "041513",
      "newRoutingNumber": "000000000",
      "customerName": "VERIDIAN CREDIT UNION",
      "achLocation": {
        "address": "1827 ANSBOROUGH",
        "city": "WATERLOO",
        "state": "IA",
        "postalCode": "50702",
        "postalCodeExtension": "0000"
      "phoneNumber": "3192878332",
      "statusCode": "1",
      "viewCode": "1"
  "wireParticipants": null

Wire Routing Number Example

Fed can be used to lookup a Financial Institutions for FED Wire Messages (FEDWire) by their routing number (?routingNumber=...) or name (?name=...):

$ curl -s localhost:8086/fed/wire/search?routingNumber=273976369 | jq .
  "achParticipants": null,
  "wireParticipants": [
      "routingNumber": "273976369",
      "telegraphicName": "VERIDIAN",
      "customerName": "VERIDIAN CREDIT UNION",
      "wireLocation": {
        "city": "WATERLOO",
        "state": "IA"
      "fundsTransferStatus": "Y",
      "fundsSettlementOnlyStatus": " ",
      "bookEntrySecuritiesTransferStatus": "N",
      "date": "20141107"

Client Library

Fed ships a client library generated from an OpenAPI Specification (Go package github.com/moov-io/fed/client). We generate a Go version as Moov's primary language is Go, but other languages can be generated. To make a change edit openapi.yaml and run make generate. Commit the changes and open a pull request.


Environmental Variable Description Default
FEDACH_DATA_PATH Filepath to FEDACH data file ./data/FedACHdir.txt
FEDWIRE_DATA_PATH Filepath to FedWIRE data file ./data/fpddir.txt
LOG_FORMAT Format for logging lines to be written as. Options: json, plain - Default: plain
HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS Address for paygate to bind its HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -http.addr. Default: :8086
HTTP_ADMIN_BIND_ADDRESS Address for paygate to bind its admin HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -admin.addr. Default: :9096
HTTPS_CERT_FILE Filepath containing a certificate (or intermediate chain) to be served by the HTTP server. Requires all traffic be over secure HTTP. Empty
HTTPS_KEY_FILE Filepath of a private key matching the leaf certificate from HTTPS_CERT_FILE. Empty

FedWire and FedACH data from the Federal Reserve Bank Services

The data and formats in this repository represent a compilation of the FedWire and FedACH data from the Federal Reserve Bank Services site. Both the official Fed plaintext and JSON file formats are supported.

FedWire Directory

FedACH Directory

Other resources

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GitHub Issue If you are able to reproduce a problem please open a GitHub Issue under the specific project that caused the error.
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Copyright and Terms of Use

(c) Federal Reserve Banks

By accessing the data in this repository you agree to the Federal Reserve Banks' Terms of Use and the E-Payments Routing Directory Terms of Use Agreement.
