
Go Report Card

This is service written in Go to integrate Authelia with HAProxy using SPOE as an alternative to haproxy-auth-request via Lua.

The defaults of this service are set to work for the ForwardAuth authentication implementation, however the legacy implementation is supported via a change to the authentication URL and the appropriate HAProxy configuration.


go install github.com/andrewheberle/go-haproxy-auth-request/cmd/haproxy-auth-request


docker run -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/andrewheberle/go-haproxy-auth-request

Note: The container is built with the environment variable AUTH_LISTEN=:3000 set.


The service can be managed via the following command line flags:

./haproxy-auth-request --help
Usage of haproxy-auth-request.exe:
      --debug              Enable debug logging
      --headers strings    HTTP Headers to return on success (default [authorization,proxy-authorization,remote-user,remote-groups,remote-name,remote-email])
      --listen string      Listen address (default "")
      --method string      HTTP Method for authentication request (default "HEAD")
      --timeout duration   Timeout for verification (default 5s)
      --url string         URL to perform verification against (default "")

In addition you may set these values via environment variables with the AUTH_ prefix, such as:

  • AUTH_URL=http://authelia:9091/api/verify

Returned Variables

A number of variables are returned to HAProxy that can be used to determine if authentication was successful and the identity of the user in question.

These variables are available for the whole HTTP transaction (request and response):

  • txn.<PREFIX>.response_successful : Set to true if the authentication request was successful or false otherwise.
  • txn.<PREFIX>.response_code : Set to the HTTP response code of the authentication request.
  • txn.<PREFIX>.response_redirect : Set to true if the response was a redirect response code (ie 30X) or if a redirect for authentication is required (ie a response code of 401).
  • txn.<PREFIX>.response_location : Set to value of the Location header in the response to the authentication request. This is used to redirect the user to Authelia for authentication.

The following variables are made available in the request scope only to minimise memory usage:

  • req.<PREFIX>.response_header.* : Set to value the relevant authentication request header, such as Remote-User or Remote-Email in order to identify the authenticated user.

    The name of the variable will be all in lower case with any dash (-) replaced with an underscore (_).

    So the Remote-User reponse header is passed back to HAProxy as req.<PREFIX>.response_header.remote_user.

In the above <PREFIX> is set to the value of the spoe agent name in spoe.cfg.

Handling Authentication

The general concepts to implement in your HAProxy configuration are:

  1. Add the headers Authelia expects:
  • X-Forward-For
  • X-Forwarded-Proto
  • X-Forwarded-Host
  • X-Forwarded-Uri
  • X-Forwarded-Method
  1. Send the SPOE request
  2. Handle the response and redirect for authentication, allow or deny access

The following HAProxy configuration snippet shows this process:

# a protected backend
backend be_protected
        # set required headers
        http-request set-header X-Forwarded-For %[src]
	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto %[ssl_fc,iif(https,http)]
	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Uri %[capture.req.uri]
	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Method %[capture.req.method]

	# set up spoe filter
	filter spoe engine auth-request config /usr/local/etc/haproxy/spoe.cfg

	# send to spoe
	http-request send-spoe-group auth-request auth-request-group

	# acls for later
	acl is_redirect var(txn.auth_request.response_redirect) -m bool
	acl auth_successful var(txn.auth_request.response_successful) -m bool
	acl has_cookie var(req.auth_request.response_cookie) -m found

        # perform redirect and set cookie if the response was a redirect with a cookie
        http-request return status 302 hdr location %[var(txn.auth_request.response_location)] hdr set-cookie %[var(req.auth_request.response_cookie)] if is_redirect !auth_successful has_cookie

        # perform a redirect only if no cookie was provided
        http-request redirect location %[var(txn.auth_request.response_location)] if is_redirect !auth_successful

        # deny request otherwise
        http-request deny if !auth_successful

        # have your server(s) here


See the Examples directory for more information.