
Self-contained example of using pandoc + a Makefile to convert from (R)md to html/tex/docx

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Portable(ish) Pandoc Magic

For years I've used the files in Global-Pandoc-Files to convert Markdown-based documents into Word (docx through odt), HTML, and PDF (through xelatex). My templates and Makefile there are subsequently based on Kieran Healy's Plain Text Social Science system.

My system has been magical, but it's incredibly convoluted, with LaTeX support files saved in one place, pandoc filters saved in another, templates saved in yet another, and other ad hoc scripts saved somewhere else. Every time I do a clean install of macOS, I have to rebuild this rickety foundation, and working with coauthors has often been a hassle, since they don't have the same files in the same five locations I use, so they can't convert the Markdown.

To simplify things for me and for collaborators, I've taken my global pandoc files and made them as portable as possible. Now, after installing a handful of programs, all I (or anyone else) needs to do is place Makefile and pandoc/ in the same directory as a Markdown or R Markdown file, type make SOMETHING in the terminal, and everything will work. All the important support files live in pandoc/ and don't need to be moved anywhere.

Super magical.


This system technically isn't 100% portable, since it needs a few larger pieces of software. You'll need to install these things:

  • pandoc: Install either with brew install pandoc or by downloading it from pandoc.org.
  • make: The workhorse behind all the conversion is make, which uses this Makefile to generate different pandoc incantations. On macOS, open Terminal and run xcode-select --install to install a handful of developer tools, including make. For Windows, follow these instructions.
  • R: Needed to convert R Markdown files to Markdown (if you're using R Markdown). Also needed to get word count when you run make count. Download and install from r-project.org. Ensure you have the following packages installed: tidyverse, knitr, rvest, and stringi (run install.packages(c("tidyverse", "knitr", "rvest", "stringi")))
  • Python 3: Install either with brew install python or by downloading it from python.org.
  • TeX: If you want to do anything with PDFs, install LaTeX. It's easiest to just install the massive MacTeX distribution on macOS (or some Windows distribution if you use Windows).
  • pandoc-include: Filter for inserting external Markdown files with syntax like !include path/to/file.md. Install with pip install pandoc-include.
  • pandoc-citeproc: Filter for dealing with bibliographies. Install with brew install pandoc-citeproc. It comes with pandoc if you install it from pandoc.org.
  • pandoc-crossref: Filter for creating "Figure 1" and "Table 3" cross references. Install with brew install pandoc-crossref.
  • bibtool: Script for parsing and dealing with BibTeX files. Used for extracting cited references into a standalone .bib files when you run make bib. Install with brew install bib-tool.
  • gawk: The version of awk that comes with macOS by default doesn't work correctly with the script that inserts git commit information in the footer of PDFs. Install a more recent one with brew install gawk.
  • LibreOffice: Open source clone of Microsoft Office. Used for converting .odt files to .docx when you run make docx. Install by downloading their installer.
  • Fonts: There are a bunch of fonts included in the pandoc/fonts/ folder. Install these as needed.


After you've installed all those things (which you should only have to do once), you can start writing and compiling! Here's what you do:

  1. Create a Markdown file (or R Markdown file) in some directory. Place Makefile and the pandoc folder in the same directory. If you're using a bibliography, include a BibTeX file in the same directory. It should look like this:

    ├── Makefile
    ├── manuscript.md
    ├── references.bib
    └── pandoc
        ├── bin
        ├── csl
        ├── fonts
        └── templates
  2. Open Makefile and change the SRC and BIB_FILE variables to match your (R) Markdown file and BibTeX file names.

  3. Change any of the other modifiable variables in Makefile, like ENDFLOAT or BLINDED .

  4. Write stuff in your (R) Markdown file. See The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science for more details.

  5. To convert from Markdown to something else, open a terminal window to your main directory and type make html or make docx, etc. Here are all the different things you can include after make:

    • make md: Convert R Markdown to regular Markdown
    • make html: Create HTML file
    • make tex: Create nice PDF through xelatex in TEX_DIR folder
    • make mstex: Create manuscripty PDF through xelatex in TEX_DIR folder
    • make odt: Create ODT file
    • make docx: Create Word file (through LibreOffice)
    • make ms: Create manuscripty ODT file
    • make msdocx: Create manuscripty Word file (through LibreOffice)
    • make bib: Extract bibliography references to a standalone .bib file
    • make count: Count the words in the manuscript
    • make clean: Remove all output files

    Through the magic of make, you can combine any of these, like make html docx tex or make html msdocx mstex, etc.

  6. That's it! Write more, run make SOMETHING again, write more, run make SOMETHING again, and so on until you have a beautiful final document.


There are two complete minimal examples included in this repository: md-paper.md (regular Markdown) and rmd-paper.Rmd (R Markdown). Change the SRC variable to match one of their names, run make SOMETHING, and see what happens.


Including external files

You can include other Markdown files (like tables generated from R, for instance) using the following syntax:

!include path/to/file.md


If you set BLINDED = TRUE in the Makefile, a Python script named accecare.py will run before compiling the document. Look at the CSV file in pandoc/bin/replacements.csv to see how to blind specific words and phrases. See the documentation for accecare.py here.

Version control

If you set VC_ENABLE = TRUE in the Makefile, the current git commit will be included in the footer of your PDF only when running make tex (make mstex doesn't do this). Make sure you have a git-repo entry in your YAML front matter so that it can create a link to that commit at GitHub, GitLab, etc.

"Figure 1 here"

You can move all the figures and tables to the end of the document by setting ENDFLOAT = TRUE in the Makefile. Some journals have this horribly backwards requirement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This only happens when running make mstex; if you need all the figures and tables at the end of a Word file, you'll have to do it manually.

PNG conversion

Word and HTML can choke on PDF images, so those targets use a helper script (pandoc/bin/replace_pdfs.py) to replace all references to PDFs with PNGs and—if needed—convert existing PDFs to PNG using sips. However, there are times when it's better to not convert to PNG on the fly, like when using high resolution PNGs exported from R with ggsave() and Cairo. To disable on-the-fly conversion and supply your own PNGs, use PNG_CONVERT = --no-convert. The script will still replace references to PDFs with PNGs, but will not convert the PDFs.

Cross references and knitr/R Markdown

R Markdown is amazing. You can embed plots in documents automatically. I love it and use it all the time. BUT it does not play well with pandoc-crossref at all, which is super sad.

For pandoc-crossref to work, you have to use this syntax:

Here is some text that refers to @fig:myfig.

![Caption for figure](output/myfig.pdf){#fig:myfig}

There's unfortunately no way to get that {#fig:myfig} into the correct place in a knitted R Markdown document. The only solution I've found is to not use R/knitr to include figures. Instead I create the figures elsewhere—either in a different R script, or in a chunk in my document—and then save them to disk as PDF or PNG (or both). I then use standard Markdown + pandoc-crossref syntax (![](){}) to include them:

```{r create-figure, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE}

plot1 <- ggplot(...)

ggsave("output/myfig.pdf", plot1,
       width = 5, height = 3, device = cairo_pdf)
ggsave("output/myfig.png", plot1,
       width = 5, height = 3, type = "cairo", dpi = 300)

Here is some text that refers to @fig:myfig.

![Caption for figure](output/myfig.pdf){#fig:myfig}

You don't need to do this with tables, though. If you use pandoc.table() from the pander library, you can include the correct pandoc-crossref syntax in the table caption:

```{r example-table, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results="asis"}

  ~Heading, ~`Other heading`,
  2, 3,
  5, 7,
  9, 1
) %>%
  pandoc.table(caption = "This is a table {#tbl:mytable}")