A simple wrapper around filesystem operations to provide more helpful error messages.
- 0
Wrap std::env::set_current_dir
#68 opened by jplatte - 0
- 1
#56 opened by TonalidadeHidrica - 5
- 3
- 1
Feature request: support crate fs4
#58 opened by beckend - 1
- 2
Add wrapper for `File.set_modified`
#54 opened by zanieb - 2
Display does not include source
#51 opened by brooksprumo - 5
More comprehensive rustdocs
#45 opened by hniksic - 2
Missing structs
#29 opened by Emerentius - 1
#47 opened by eeeebbbbrrrr - 1
- 4
- 1
Operability with tokio_stream
#43 opened by jennydaman - 5
path type different than std::fs::File
#34 opened by dbregman - 1
Add support for `tokio::fs`
#36 opened by Veetaha - 3
- 4
- 2
Missing functions
#24 opened by ndmitchell - 1
- 0
fs::create_dir and fs::create_dir_all
#10 opened by LPGhatguy - 0
fs::remove APIs
#11 opened by LPGhatguy - 0
#13 opened by LPGhatguy - 0
- 1
fs::read_dir API
#4 opened by LPGhatguy - 1
Marketing/public docs
#6 opened by LPGhatguy - 1
fs::copy API
#5 opened by LPGhatguy - 2