Small service that uses to create docker images from git repositories or local paths.
make sure you have rust and docker installed on ur system
and create a .env file, copy the values from .env.example and fill those in.
now you can build & run the project like this cargo b
cargo run
you should be able to access the server at localhost:8084, and it should show a basic html page.
"path": "",
"name": "image-name",
"envs": ["ENV_VAR1=value", "ENV_VAR2=value"],
"build_options": {
"print_dockerfile": false,
"tags": ["v1.0", "latest"],
"labels": [],
"quiet": false,
"no_cache": false,
"inline_cache": false,
"platform": ["linux/amd64"],
"current_dir": false,
"no_error_without_start": false,
"verbose": false
To retrieve logs for a specific container, send a GET request to /logs with the following query parameters:
container_id: The ID of the container for which you want to retrieve logs.
start_time: The start time of the log collection period in RFC3339 format.
end_time: The end time of the log collection period in RFC3339 format.