
A script to display the ASCII art of images fetched from a tag on Instagram.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A small script to display the ASCII art of images fetched from a tag on Instagram.


Instagram's "sandbox mode" has broken this application. Instagram now requires a full OAuth login flow as well as application review and I highly doubt they'll accept this. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.


Make sure you have Ruby 2.3.1 installed before doing the following!

  1. git clone https://github.com/andrewjkerr/instatags.git && cd instatags
  2. bundle install
  3. mv config/application.yml.sample config/application.yml
  4. Put your Instagram client ID into the config/application.yml

I recommend running in a terminal that supports colors for more fun!


ruby fetch_imgs.rb [tag] [number_of_images]


# ruby fetch_imgs.rb corgi 2
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mameta1128: #コーギー #暑くて溶けそう #コーギー大好き #corgi #welshcorgi #lovedogs #dog
ひえひぇ~✨ はぁはぁ言ってたので保冷剤だしてボードに置いてみたら枕にしてた(笑)
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BF37oFuILHR/
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|                       ...... ..~~~~~~~::~::~~:~~~~~.. .            . ~:::~|
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| . . .. ... .  .         .. ...~~~~::++++=++:+=+++:~~~... .                |
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|......~... ..~....~~.  .. .. ..~~~~~~:::::::::~::~~~~...                   |
|     .....   ..~..         ....~~~..~~~~:~~:~~:~~~~~~.....                 |
|.......~~.   ...   . . . ..  . ...~~~~::~:~~~~~~~~.......                  |
|..~....        ...............~~~~.~~~~~~.~.~.~... ..  .. .                |
|               .~~~~~.~.~..................................           .    |
|    .   .. . ..~~~~~~~.~~....  .. .. . ..................             .... |
|.~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~.~~.~.~. .  . ... . . .   .   ..                 . ...|
|:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~..~.~........  . .  .....  ... .  .                  |
|~~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~.~~.......... .............          .           |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~..~.............~...  . .. .   .                          |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... .....    . . ...... .  .    .....          .             |
|~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~... ...   . ... .. ..   . . . ......      .. .              |
|~~:~:~~~~~~~~.~.. .   .    .  ...........   .  .                           |
heo_sy_: 🐶안개 🐶찰스 🐶하랑

안개랑 성격이 비슷한 찰스도
집에서 벽지뜯는지 궁금하다😭

#웰시코기 #코기 #웰코 #웰시 #corgi
#dog #개 #강아지 #멍멍이
#개스타그램 #멍스타그램
#디어독 #청주 #애견카페 #애견친구
#반려견 #애견 #개아들
#맞팔 #선팔 #좋아요 #댓글 #소통
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BF37kokELCT/
Image count reached! :)

color example

See, doesn't it look better in color?! 😄


If you find and want to fix an issue or something, feel free to fork, code, and submit a PR.