
A series of articles about data science which make use of japanese geographic and postal data.

「AIによる日本」 «Japan, by AI»


「AIによる日本」プロジェクトは、データと図表を使って、日本の地理を理解するために 行うことにシました。

The «Japan, by AI» project is a series of articles about data science, each of which makes use of japanese postal data.

The project aims to bring about a better understanding of japan's geography and regions through data and visualizations.

Table of contents | 目次

List of articles

  • Introduction to the japan post «chimei» data set | 日本郵便のデータセットの紹介

Overview | 概念

プロジェクトのモチベーションはなんだろう?それは日本諸島を旅行するたびにわかった面 白さです。私は電車に乗るのが大変好きです。日本には、AからBまで行くため、電車に乗 るのは当然です。ただ、電車に乗れば、美しい景色がぱっと消えてしまう。

「あの地方の名前はなんだろう?」と思ったときがかなり多いです。イギリスに住ん でいる社員としては、日本に行く機会はほとんどない。


  • 機会学習のコツを掴みたい!
  • 日本の地名を研究したい!
  • 日本の地理を知りたい!
  • 日本語を書きたい!

Starting this project was motivated by my travels around the japanese archipegalo. While traveling, i would travel around by train a lot. This is pretty normal for moving around within japan. As an unfortunate result of traveling this way, I would find that the beautiful mountain scenery passed me by in the blink of an eye, leaving me thinkng about what I had just seen.

Left sitting on the train, I would ask myself questions like «¿what was the name of that place?» or «¿how do people there live their lives?».

As traveling to japan is often not an option for me, the best way for me to understand the geography of its regions while being away from the country is to do data science.

In short, this project provides a chance to:

  • Use machine learning in new ways
  • Research japan's regions and geography
  • Learn more about japanese place names
  • Write in japanese

¿What is the «Japan, by AI» project? | これって何?



Common translations

As a footnote for bilingual english-japanese readers, I wanted to give a gloss for how i've translated some japanese words into english.

日本語 English
地名 Place name
市名 City (name)
郵便番号 Post code
AIによる日本 Japan, by AI
都道府県 Prefectures
Metropolis; metropolitan area