
MTN MoMo API Client Library for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


First, ensure that the you have a virtual environment enabled before you proceed. You can create one and activate as follows:

Creation of virtualenv:

$ virtualenv -p python3 <desired-path>

Activate the virtualenv:

$ source <desired-path>/bin/activate

Next, we install from source:

$ python setup.py install


  • Python 2.7+ or Python 3.4+ (PyPy supported)


Time to use the library. The goal is to create a User ID and API Secret. To do this, the API key from your profile on the MTN MoMo dashboard is needed. The library has a commandline app that helps you do just that when you enter the details as prompted on the commandline.

$ momoapi
$ providerCallBackHost: https://akabbo.ug
$ Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: f83xx8d8xx6749f19a26e2265aeadbcdeg

where providerCallBackHost is your callback host and Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key is your API key for the specific product to which you are subscribed. The API Key is unique to the product and you will need an API Key for each product you use. You should get the following response.

Here is your User Id and API secret : {'apiKey': 'b0431db58a9b41faa8f5860230xxxxxx', 'UserId': '053c6dea-dd68-xxxx-xxxx-c830dac9f401'}

Let's make calls.

We shall now import the library onto the commandline. Let us try to make a collection request.

from momoapi.client import MomoApi
ref=client.requestToPay("256772123456", "600", "123456789", note="dd", message="dd", currency="EUR", environment="sandbox")

So, what just happened? We create a client on the commandline, and made a requestToPay transaction. How do we know this happened? Still on the commandline, input ref

>>> ref

You should see a response similar to this:

>>> ref
{'transaction_ref': '33a9d94b-6828-4879-xxxx-e0ecb946d465'}

We can then use this Transaction Reference to get the status of the Transaction

>>> client.getTransactionStatus('33a9d94b-6828-4879-xxxx-e0ecb946d465')
{'financialTransactionId': '1854386795', 'externalId': '123456789', 'amount': '600', 'currency': 'EUR', 'payer': {'partyIdType': 'MSISDN', 'partyId': '256794631873'}, 'payerMessage': 'dd', 'payeeNote': 'dd', 'status': 'SUCCESSFUL'}
