
Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

Primary LanguageRubyISC LicenseISC

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

test-loop is a fast continuous testing tool for Ruby that automatically detects and tests changes in your application in an efficient manner:

  1. Absorbs the test execution overhead into the main Ruby process.

  2. Forks to run your test files without overhead and in parallel.

  3. Avoids running unchanged test blocks inside changed test files.


  • Tests changes in your Ruby application: avoids running (1) unchanged test files and (2) unchanged test blocks inside changed test files.

  • Supports Test::Unit, RSpec, and any other testing framework that (1) reflects failures in the process' exit status and (2) is loaded by your application's test/test_helper.rb or spec/spec_helper.rb file.

  • Reabsorbs test execution overhead if the test or spec helper file changes.

  • Executes test files in parallel, making full use of multiple processors.

  • Logs the output from your tests into separate files: one log per test. The path to a log file is simply the path of its test file plus ".log".

  • Generally I/O bound, so you can keep it running without CPU slowdown.

  • Configurable through a .test-loop file in your working directory.

  • Implemented in less than 240 lines (SLOC) of pure Ruby code! :-)


  • Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2 or newer.

  • Operating system that supports POSIX signals and the fork() system call.

    To check if your system qualifies, launch irb and enter the following:

    Process.respond_to? :fork                    # must be true
    signals = %w[INT TSTP QUIT TERM CHLD].sort
    Signal.list.keys.sort & signals == signals   # must be true


As a Ruby gem:

gem install test-loop

As a Git clone:

gem install diff-lcs -v '>= 1.1.2'
git clone git://github.com/sunaku/test-loop


If installed as a Ruby gem:


If installed as a Git clone:

env RUBYLIB=lib ruby bin/test-loop

You can monitor your test processes in another terminal:

watch 'ps xfw | sed -n "1p; /test-loop/p" | fgrep -v sed'

If it stops responding, you can annihilate test-loop from another terminal:

pkill -9 -f test-loop


  • Press Control-Z or send the SIGTSTP signal to forcibly run all tests, even if there are no changes in your Ruby application.

  • Press Control-\ or send the SIGQUIT signal to forcibly reabsorb the test execution overhead, even if its sources have not changed.

  • Press Control-C or send the SIGINT signal to quit the test loop.


test-loop looks for a configuration file named .test-loop in the current working directory. This configuration file is a normal Ruby script in which you can query and modify the Test::Loop OpenStruct configuration as follows:


Array of file globbing patterns that describe a set of Ruby scripts that are loaded into the main Ruby process as overhead.


Array of file globbing patterns that describe a set of files which cause the overhead to be reabsorbed whenever they change.


Hash that maps a file globbing pattern describing a set of source files to a lambda function yielding a file globbing pattern describing a set of test files that need to be run. In other words, whenever the source files (the hash key; left-hand side of the mapping) change, their associated test files (the hash value; right-hand side of the mapping) are run.

For example, if test files had the same names as their source files followed by an underscore and the file name in reverse like this:

  • lib/hello.rb => test/hello_olleh.rb
  • app/world.rb => spec/world_ldrow.rb

Then you would add the following to your configuration file:

Test::Loop.test_file_matchers['{lib,app}/**/*.rb'] = lambda do |path|
  extn = File.extname(path)
  name = File.basename(path, extn)

In addition, these lambda functions can return nil if they do not wish for a particular source file to be tested. For example, to ignore tests for all source files except those within a models/ directory, you would write:

Test::Loop.test_file_matchers['{lib,app}/**/*.rb'] = lambda do |path|
  if path.include? '/models/'

For source files not satisfying the above constraint, this lambda function will return nil, thereby excluding those source files from being tested.


Lambda function that is passed a line of source code to determine whether that line can be considered as a test definition, in which case it must return the name of the test being defined.


Array of lambda functions that are executed inside the worker process before loading the test file.

These functions are passed (1) the path to the test file, (2) the path to the log file containing the live output of running the test file, and (3) an array containing the names of tests (which were identified by Test::Loop.test_name_parser) inside the test file that have changed since the last run of the test file.

For example, to print a worker process' ID and what work it will perform:

Test::Loop.before_each_test.push lambda {
  |test_file, log_file, test_names|

  p :worker_pid => $$,
    :test_file => test_file,
    :log_file => log_file,
    :test_names => test_names

By default, the first function in this array instructs Test::Unit and RSpec to only run certain test blocks inside the test file. This accelerates your test-driven development cycle and improves productivity!


Array of lambda functions that are executed inside the master process after a test has finished running.

These functions are passed (1) the path to the test file, (2) the path to the log file containing the output of running the test file, (3) a Process::Status object describing the exit status of the worker process that ran the test file, (4) the time when test execution began, and (5) how many seconds it took for the overall test execution to complete.

For example, to delete log files for successful tests, add the following to your configuration file:

Test::Loop.after_each_test.push lambda {
  |test_file, log_file, run_status, started_at, elapsed_time|

  File.delete(log_file) if run_status.success?

For example, to see on-screen-display notifications only about test failures, add the following to your configuration file (NOTE: the test/loop/notify preset does this for you):

Test::Loop.after_each_test.push lambda {
  |test_file, log_file, run_status, started_at, elapsed_time|

  unless run_status.success? or run_status.signaled?
    title = 'FAIL at %s in %0.1fs' % [started_at.strftime('%r'), elapsed_time]

    message = test_file

    Thread.new do # run in background
      system 'notify-send', '-i', 'dialog-error', title, message or
      system 'growlnotify', '-a', 'Xcode', '-m', message, title or
      system 'xmessage', '-timeout', '5', '-title', title, message

For example, to see on-screen-display notifications about completed test runs, regardless of whether they passed or failed, add the following to your configuration file:

Test::Loop.after_each_test.push lambda {
  |test_file, log_file, run_status, started_at, elapsed_time|

  success = run_status.success?

  title = '%s at %s in %0.1fs' %
    [success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL', started_at.strftime('%X'), elapsed_time]

  message = test_file

  Thread.new do # run in background
    system 'notify-send', '-i', "dialog-#{success ? 'information' : 'error'}", title, message or
    system 'growlnotify', '-a', 'Xcode', '-m', message, title or
    system 'xmessage', '-timeout', '5', '-title', title, message

Configuration presets

The following sub-libraries provide "preset" configurations. To use them, simply add the require() lines shown below to your .test-loop file or to your application's test/test_helper.rb or spec/spec_helper.rb file.

require 'test/loop/notify'

Shows on-screen-display notifications for test failures.

require 'test/loop/rails'

Provides support for the Ruby on Rails web framework.

Known issues

Ruby on Rails

  • Ensure that your config/environments/test.rb file disables class caching as follows (NOTE: if you are using Rails 3, the test/loop/rails preset will automatically do this for you):

    config.cache_classes = false

    Otherwise, test-loop will appear to ignore source-code changes in your models, controllers, helpers, and other Ruby source files.

  • SQLite3 raises SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked errors because test-loop runs your test files in parallel. You can work around this by using an in-memory adapter for SQLite3 or by using different database software (such as MySQL) for your test environment.


Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.