
A Twitter Search using a very light-weight jQuery version running on Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

A Twitter Search for Node.js

A Twitter Search using a very light-weight jQuery version running on Node.js (http://nodejs.org)


You will see an output like:

	Results 1 - 15 for from%3Aeduardolundgren. (0.73769 seconds)

	@eduardolundgren [  A #nodejs Twitter Search using a very light-weight #jQuery version http://github.com/eduardolundgren/twitter-search-nodejs  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  All #JavaScript frameworks in the world has a reference to some Dean Edwards piece of code.  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  RT @rotty3000: With git I can easily share my branches between desktop/laptop when I travel... #Liferay in git is great!  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  RT @InsomniacSoup: After spending a day with Liferay 6.0, I can safely say that Liferay will one day save our world from utter annihilation. #Liferay #FTW  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  The infinity is so close. (1.7976931348623158e+308 == Infinity) is false, but (1.7976931348623159e+308 == Infinity) is true. #wtfjs  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  #Liferay Portal 6 Preview Released, check it out.  http://www.liferay.com/web/brian.chan/blog/-/blogs/liferay-portal-6-preview-released  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  I'm so sad I lost the #crockonjs yesterday.  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  RT @yuilibrary: YUI 3.1.0 preview release 1. New widget/component foundation, improved Gallery integration, & more: http://bit.ly/bvf6hz  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  Writing documentation for Alloy UI. YUI Docs made it more fun.  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  RT @sez11a: #Liferay in Action is now available as a MEAP, from @ManningBooks! Working hard on this: http://tinyurl.com/yabeej8 #fb #in  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  @rotty3000 We miss you on core!  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  My first experience with #Opera 10.50 for #Mac was: "A problem has occurred, forcing Opera to close."  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  Working on bug fixes for Liferay 6.0 preview release.  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  http://twitpic.com/15ock3 - My #YUI3 t-shirt arrived, thanks YUI guys.  ]

	@eduardolundgren [  JavaScript... ++[ [] ][ +[] ] == 1; //true http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1154338  ]

Now you can run node ./test.js