
This Go application will parse through a GitHub repository's release notes, and pancake them into a neat, clean CHANGELOG.md file.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Report Card Build Status codecov license

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Why pancake?

Well, I wrote this just after eating pankcakes. And the purpose of this application is to squash all of the GitHub release notes down into a single CHANGELOG.md file. In other words, it pancakes the release notes into a changelog file. 😄

Why changelogs?

First, what is a changelog?

What is a changelog?

A changelog is a curated compilation of all of the releases for a particular project/repository. Each individual release in the log contains the tag name, the date and author of the release, and a few notes about the critical / notable items in that release.

Who cares?

Everybody! Any one developing on the project, and everyone who is using the product of the project, will care about the changelog. A consumer of the project may want to know what was in the last release before choosing to update to that version. Or, a developer may want to know why something is broken, and will want to check the history. It matters!

And that's why there's pancake! It makes it easy to create easy-to-read changelogs, that can quickly be recreated as new releases are made.


After cloning the repo, just use the following command at the root of the project to install it:

$ go install


The pancake app assumes that there is a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable that is set to an oauth token for your GitHub account. To run pancake, use the following commands:

$ pancake --org ${github_organization_name} --repo ${repo_name}