Nominality Score Conditioned Time Series Anomaly Detection by Point/Sequential Reconstruction (NeurIPS 2023) https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15416

Primary LanguagePython

NPSR (NeurIPS 2023)

Nominality Score Conditioned Time Series Anomaly Detection by Point/Sequential Reconstruction

Official PyTorch implementation for Nominality Score Conditioned Time Series Anomaly Detection by Point/Sequential Reconstruction (NPSR).

A major difficulty for time series anomaly detection arises from modeling time-dependent relationships to find contextual anomalies while maintaining detection accuracy for point anomalies. In this paper, we propose NPSR, an algorithm that utilizes point-based and sequence-based reconstruction models. The point-based model quantifies point anomalies, and the sequence-based model quantifies both point and contextual anomalies. We formulate the observed time point $\textbf{x}^0_t$ is a two-stage deviated value from a nominal time point $\textbf{x}^*_t$.

$$ \textbf{x}^0_t = \textbf{x}^*_t + \Delta\textbf{x}^c_t + \Delta\textbf{x}^p_t $$

Under this formulation, we link the reconstruction errors with the deviations (anomalies) and introduce a nominality score $N(\cdot)$. We derive an induced anomaly score $\hat{A}(\cdot)$ by further integrating $N(\cdot)$ and the original anomaly score $A(\cdot)$. $\hat{A}(\cdot)$ is theoretically proven to be superior over $A(\cdot)$ under certain conditions.

Figure 1. (a) Performer-based autoencoder $M_{pt}$, (b) Performer-based stacked encoder $M_{seq}$, and (c) main scheme for NPSR.

Main Results

We evaluate the performance of NPSR against 14 baselines over 7 datasets using the best F1 score ($\mathrm{F}1^*$).

Note: Due to reliability concerns, we didn't use the point-adjusted best F1 score ($\mathrm{F}1^*_{\mathrm{PA}}$) as the main metric. (See Appendix D)

Table 1. Best F1 score ($\mathrm{F1^*}$) results on several datasets, with bold text denoting the highest and underlined text denoting the second highest value. The deep learning methods are sorted with older methods at the top and newer ones at the bottom.


Getting Started

Installation (to install pytorch cf. https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/):

conda create -n npsr python=3.11
conda activate npsr
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and Testing

config.txt contains all the settings. See Appendix C in the paper for the parameter settings.


python main.py config.txt

The algorithm will do an evaluation every epoch

Figure 1. A screenshot of an evaluation step for the test data of trimSyn.


After training/testing, it is possible to use parse_results.ipynb to visualize the training/testing results.



Dataset folders should be put under ./datasets/DATASET

After downloading and putting the files/dir in the correct folder (folder name should match dataset name), execute: python make_pk.py.

A file named DATASET.pk will appear in the same folder.

The main program will import preprocess_DATASET.py and load DATASET.pk for preprocessing.

SWaT dataset

You can get the SWaT and WADI dataset by filling out the form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GOLYXa7TX0KlayqugUOOPMvbcwSQiGNMOjHuNqKcieA/viewform?edit_requested=true

This work uses the data from SWaT.A1 & A2_Dec 2015.

Files SWaT_Dataset_Attack_v0.csv and SWaT_Dataset_Normal_v1.csv should be in the same directory as make_pk.py. (please convert them from .xlsx files first)

WADI dataset

You can get the SWaT and WADI dataset by filling out the form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GOLYXa7TX0KlayqugUOOPMvbcwSQiGNMOjHuNqKcieA/viewform?edit_requested=true

This work uses the 2017 year data.

Files WADI_14days.csv and WADI_attackdata.csv should be in the same directory as make_pk.py.

PSM dataset

Dataset downloadable at: https://github.com/eBay/RANSynCoders/tree/main/data

Files train.csv, test.csv, and test_label.csv should be in the same directory as make_pk.py.

MSL and SMAP dataset

You can get the MSL and SMAP datasets using:

wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/telemanom/data.zip
unzip data.zip
rm data.zip
cd data
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khundman/telemanom/master/labeled_anomalies.csv

Folders train, test, both containing the .npy files for each entity, and file labeled_anomalies.csv should be in the same directory as make_pk.py.

SMD dataset

Dataset downloadable at: https://github.com/NetManAIOps/OmniAnomaly/tree/master/ServerMachineDataset

Folders train, test, and test_label, all containing .txt files for each entity, should be in the same directory as make_pk.py.

trimSyn dataset

Dataset downloadable at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y5nIA5ame0RvNAuRmnA5ScW8PL1LP-Oq

Files MSCRED.csv and MSCRED_GT.csv should be in the same directory as make_pk.py.

MGAB dataset

This is the univariate Mackey-Glass Anomaly Benchmark dataset from https://github.com/MarkusThill/MGAB

Please clone the github repository into the same directory as make_pk.py.

Custom datasets

  1. Edit utils/datasets.py and insert some code in the function get_dataset_processed like this:
elif params.name == 'DATASET':
    data_path = 'datasets/DATASET/'
    if data_path not in sys.path:
    from preprocess_DATASET import DATASET_Dataset
    dataset = DATASET_Dataset(dataset_pth = data_path + params.name + '.pk')                             # single entity dataset
    dataset = DATASET_Dataset(dataset_pth = data_path + params.name + '.pk', entities = params.entities) # multi entity dataset

The program will try to import DATASET_Dataset from datasets/DATASET/preprocess_DATASET.py.

  1. Construct the file datasets/DATASET/preprocess_DATASET.py and define certain properties (e.g. dims, num_entity, other dataset specific preprocessing). A single entity example (SWaT) can be found at datasets/SWaT/preprocess_SWaT.py; and a multi entity example (MSL) can be found at datasets/MSL/preprocess_MSL.py.

  2. Construct DATASET.pk. As we can see in the above code block, the program looks for the .pk file datasets/DATASET/DATASET.pk.

Each make_pk.py script that we have provided outputs a .pk file that contains a Python Dictionary, say we name it dat. dat contains three key/value pairs: dat['x_trn'], dat['x_tst'], dat['lab_tst']. For single entity datasets, dat['x_trn'] and dat['x_tst'] are 2D numpy arrays having the shape (time points, dims). dat['lab_tst'] is a 1D numpy array having the shape (time points,). For multi entity datasets, all of them are lists that contain multiple numpy arrays. For each entity, the structure is the same as a single entity dataset.

You do not need a make_pk.py, but should have a corresponding DATASET.pk that can be loaded by preprocess_DATASET.py.


If you find this repo useful, please cite our paper. This citation might be updated after NeurIPS 2023 conference.

  title={Nominality Score Conditioned Time Series Anomaly Detection by Point/Sequential Reconstruction},
  author={Lai, Chih-Yu and Sun, Fan-Keng and Gao, Zhengqi and Lang, Jeffrey H and Boning, Duane S},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.15416},

Contact (First Author)

Email: chihyul@mit.edu

Andrew Lai (Chih-Yu Lai), Ph. D. Student, https://chihyulai.com/

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology