
Module to count the most used words in a given file.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Word Parser

Function Python script to count the most used words in books, your writings, essays etc. fed in the format of a text file.


Prof. Pennebaker at the University of Texas does research into how your usage of pronouns in your emails varies depending on how you perceive the recipient. This tool was built to help you do your own analysis on your emails using Pennebaker's conclusions.

Note: I apologize for the amateur-ish coding style - this was one of my first ever coding projects. Feel free to fork and improve.


1.) To run from terminal/cmd, 'cd' to the directory where you have the script downloaded and save the contents of the source file to a text file or in any other format openable by a text editor.

$python ParsertoFile.py [path of your source text file] [enter the top x words used you'd like to view]

2.) To add a word to the ignore-list (words that are overlookd during the processing), simply open up the file, and add the word as a string to the 'ignore' tuple.

Sample Usage Case

Input: The Book of Revelations

$python ParsertoFile.py /home/andrew/KJVRevelations.txt 4


I : 167 
God : 94
seven : 54
beast : 42