Wardrobe Organizer App

Welcome to the Wardrobe Organizer App repository! This is an ongoing project aimed at helping you organize your wardrobe by allowing you to keep track of your clothing items and outfits.

Project Status

This project is currently in its initial development phase. As such, only basic features and functionality have been implemented so far. The main goal is to provide users with the ability to create and manage their wardrobes, clothing items, and outfits.


  • Create, update, and delete wardrobes
  • Add, update, and remove clothing items
  • Create and manage outfits
  • Associate clothing items with outfits
  • Basic user authentication and authorization

Upcoming Features

This is just the beginning of the project! Here are some of the features and improvements that are planned for future development:

  • Enhanced user interface for a more user-friendly experience
  • Improved error handling and validation
  • More detailed information for clothing items, such as color, size, and price
  • Advanced search and filtering options
  • Better integration with mobile devices
  • Sharing and collaboration features
  • ... and much more!

Getting Started

To get started with the Wardrobe Organizer App, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have a PostgreSQL database available for use. Create a new database that the Wardrobe Organizer App will utilize.
  3. Configure your database connection string using dotnet secrets(more info here). You can store sensitive information like connection strings using dotnet user-secrets for enhanced security.
  4. Run the application using your IDE or terminal.
  5. All available endpoints could be checked using swagger while in development environment on this address http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
  6. Use Postman (or similar API testing tools) to interact with APIs directly, send requests, and receive responses.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork this repository, create a new branch for your work, and submit a pull request with your changes.


If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or want to provide feedback, please open an issue on this repository. Your input is valuable and will help make this project even better!