
Simple script which uses the package scholar.py to create a BibTeX database of all locally stored academic papers.

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Simple script which uses the package scholar.py to create a BibTeX database of all locally stored academic papers.

├── Bagci
│   └── cohomology\ and\ support\ varieties\ for\ Lie\ superalgebras.pdf
├── Balmer
│   └── tensor-triangular-geometry.pdf
├── Benson
│   ├── modular-representation-theory-new-trends-and-methods.pdf
│   ├── representations-and-cohomology-II.pdf
│   ├── representations-and-cohomology-I.pdf
│   └── representations-of-finite-groups-local-cohomology-and-support.pdf
├── Benson\ Iyengar\ Krause
│   └── colocalizing-subcategories-and-cosupport.pdf
├── bibgen.py3
├── Boe\ Kujawa\ Nakano
│   ├── cohomology-and-support-for-lie-superalgebras-II.pdf
│   ├── cohomology-and-support-varieties-for-lie-superalgebras.pdf
│   ├── complexity-and-module-varieties-classical-lie-superalgebras.pdf
│   ├── complexity-for-modules-over-classical-lie-superalgebra.pdf
│   └── tensor-triangular-geometry-for-classical-lie-superalgebras.pdf
├── Boe\ Nakano
│   └── representation-type-of-the-blocks-of-category-Os.pdf
├── Carlson
│   ├── cohomology-and-modules-over-group-algebras-ICM1990.pdf
│   ├── module-varieties-and-cohomology-rings-of-finite-groups.pdf
│   ├── support-varieties-for-modules.pdf
│   ├── the-cohomology-ring-of-a-module.pdf
│   └── the-varieties-and-the-cohomology-ring-of-a-module.pdf
├── Cartan\ Eilenberg
│   └── homological-algebra.pdf
├── Cline\ Parshall\ Scott
│   └── induced-modules-and-affine-quotients.pdf
├── Dadok\ Kac
│   └── polar\ representations.pdf
├── Drupieski\ Kujawa
│   └── 1601.04565.pdf
├── Duflo\ Serganova
│   └── on-associated-variety-for-lie-superalgebras.pdf
├── Evens
│   ├── the-cohomology-ring-of-a-finite-group.pdf
│   └── the-spectral-sequence-of-a-finite-group-extension-stops.pdf
├── Evseev
│   └── the-mckay-conjecture-and-brauers-induction-theorem.pdf
├── Feit
│   ├── A5-tilde-and-A7-tilde-are-Galois-groups-over-number-fields.pdf
│   ├── characters-of-finite-groups.pdf
│   └── the-representation-theory-of-finite-groups.pdf
├── Fink\ Rincon
│   └── Stiefel\ tropical\ linear\ spaces.pdf
├── Friedlander\ Parshall
│   ├── cohomology-of-infinitesimal-and-discrete-groups.pdf
│   ├── geometry-of-p-unipotent-lie-algebras.pdf
│   ├── modular-representation-theory-of-Lie-algebras.pdf
│   ├── on-the-cohomology-of-algebraic-and-related-finite-groups.pdf
│   └── support-varieties-for-restricted-Lie-algebras.pdf
├── Fu
│   └── etale-cohomology-theory.pdf
├── Fuks
│   └── cohomology-of-infinite-dimensional-Lie-algebras.djvu
├── Fulton\ Harris
│   └── representation-theory.pdf
├── Gelfand\ Manin
│   └── methods-of-homological-algebra.pdf
├── Gruson
│   └── sur-les-representations-de-dimension-finie-de-la-super-algebre-de-Lie-glmn.pdf
├── Hartshorne
│   ├── algebraic-geometry.pdf
│   └── local-cohomology.pdf
├── Hastie\ Tibshirani\ Friedman
│   └── ESLII_print10.pdf
├── Hochschild
│   ├── cohomology-of-restricted-Lie-algebras.pdf
│   ├── note-on-relative-homological-dimension.pdf
│   ├── on-the-cohomology-groups-of-an-associative-algebra.pdf
│   ├── relative-homological-algebra.pdf
│   ├── representations-of-restricted-Lie-algebras-of-characteristic-p.pdf
│   └── restricted-Lie-algebras-and-simple-associative-algebras-of-characteristic-p.pdf
├── Hochschild\ Serre
│   ├── cohomology-of-group-extensions.pdf
│   └── cohomology-of-lie-algebras.pdf
├── Humphreys
│   ├── introduction-to-Lie-algebras-and-representation-theory.pdf
│   ├── linear-algebraic-groups.pdf
│   ├── modular-representations-of-finite-groups-of-Lie-type.pdf
│   └── representations-of-semisimple-Lie-algebras-in-the-BGG-category-O.pdf
├── ignore.txt
├── Isaacs
│   └── finite-group-theory.pdf
├── Jantzen
│   ├── introduction-to-quantum-groups.pdf
│   ├── lectures-on-quantum-groups.pdf
│   ├── representations-of-algebraic-groups.pdf
│   └── restricted-Lie-algebra-cohomology.pdf
├── Kac
│   └── lie-superalgebras.pdf
├── Kiehl\ Weissauer
│   └── Weil-conjectures-perverse-sheaves-and-l-adic-Fourier-transform.djvu
├── Klenke
│   └── probability\ theory.pdf
├── Kumar
│   └── Kac-Moody-groups-their-flag-varieties-and-representation-theory.pdf
├── Lang
│   └── algebra.djvu
├── Lehrer\ Nakano\ Zhang
│   └── detecting-cohomology-for-Lie-superalgebras.pdf
├── Luna\ Richardson
│   └── a-generalization-of-the-Chevalley-restriction-theorem.pdf
├── Milne
│   ├── Affine\ group\ schemes.pdf
│   ├── Algebraic\ groups.pdf
│   ├── Lectures\ on\ Etale\ cohomology.pdf
│   ├── Lie\ algebras\ algebraic\ groups\ and\ lie\ groups.pdf
│   └── Reductive\ groups.pdf
├── Muzere
│   ├── relative\ lie\ algebra\ cohomology.pdf
│   └── relative\ lie\ algebra\ cohomology\ revisited.pdf
├── __pycache__
│   └── scholar.cpython-35.pyc
├── Quillen
│   ├── the-spectrum-of-an-equivariant-cohomology-ring-II.pdf
│   └── the-spectrum-of-an-equivariant-cohomology-ring-I.pdf
├── README.md
├── references.bib
├── Rotman
│   └── an-introduction-to-homological-algebra.pdf
├── Scheunert
│   └── the-theory-of-Lie-superalgebras.pdf
├── Scheunert\ Zhang
│   └── Cohomology\ of\ Lie\ superalgebras\ and\ their\ generalizations.pdf
├── scholar.py
├── Sturmfels
│   └── Algorithms\ in\ invariant\ theory.pdf
├── Tamme
│   └── introduction-to-etale-cohomology.pdf
├── Tibshirani\ Witten
│   └── Introduction\ to\ statistical\ learning\ with\ applications\ in\ R.pdf
└── Weibel
    ├── an-introduction-to-homological-algebra.pdf
    └── k\ book
        ├── 0\ intro.pdf
        ├── 1\ projective\ modules\ and\ vector\ bundles.pdf
        ├── 2\ grothendieck\ group\ k0.pdf
        ├── 3\ k1\ and\ k2\ of\ a\ ring.pdf
        ├── 4\ definitions\ of\ higher\ k\ theory.pdf
        ├── 5\ fundamental\ theorems\ of\ higher\ k\ theory.pdf
        ├── 6\ higher\ k\ theory\ of\ fields.pdf
        └── references.dvi