
Simple TODO RESTful API on Falcon framework

Primary LanguagePython


Simple TODO RESTful API on Falcon framework.

HTTP Method URI Action
GET http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/task Retrieve list of tasks
GET http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/task/[task_id] Retrieve a task
POST http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/task Create a new task
PUT http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/task/[task_id] Update an existing task
DELETE http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/task/[task_id] Delete a task
POST http://[hostname]/api/v0.1/auth Create account

The task has the following fields:

  • id: unique identifier for tasks. ObjectId type.
  • owner: author of tasks. ReferenceField(User object).
  • title: short task description. StringField.
  • body: long task description. StringField.
  • timestamp: date of creation. ComplexDateTimeField.
  • done: task completion state. BooleanField.
  • tags: tags to which the task belongs. ListField(StringField).

The user has the following fields:

  • username: user login. StringField.
  • email: user email. EmailField.
  • first_name: user first name StringField.
  • last_name: user last name. StringField.
  • password_hash: user password. StringField.


First you must install MongoDB and set up settings.py. Install pipenv and config virtualenv

$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
(todo-restful-api-falcon)$ python server.py


$ curl -d '{
	"username": "User",
	"email": "example@mail.com",
	"password": "good pass"
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/auth


{"msg": "OK", "description": "User 'User' created!"}

Create new task:

$ curl -u 'User':'good pass' -d '{
    "title": "Buy products",
    "body": "buy bread, milk and asparagus.",
    "tags": [
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/task


   "msg":"Task created!",
            "title":"Buy products",
            "body":"buy bread, milk and asparagus.",
            "timestamp":"2018-07-19 13:32:00.372132",

Get all task:

$ curl -u 'User':'good pass' -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/task


            "title":"Buy products",
            "body":"buy bread, milk and asparagus.",
            "timestamp":"2018-07-19 13:32:00.372132",
   "msg":"Task(s) successfully retrieved."

Update task:

curl -u 'User':'good pass' -d '{
    "title": "Buy products",
    "body": "buy bread, milk and asparagus and juice.",
    "tags": [
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/task/5b5068a08124f432fef08ed0


            "title":"Buy products",
            "body":"buy bread, milk and asparagus and juice.",
            "timestamp":"2018-07-19 13:32:00.372132",
   "msg":"Task updated!"

Delete task:

curl -u 'User':'good pass' -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/task/5b5068a08124f432fef08ed0


            "title":"Buy products",
            "body":"buy bread, milk and asparagus and juice.",
            "timestamp":"2018-07-19 13:32:00.372132",
   "msg":"Task deleted!"