
An Ember component for the Ace code editor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Ace Build Status

An Ember component wrapping Ace editor.


ember install ember-ace


{{ember-ace lines=10 value=value update=(action 'valueUpdated')}}


See the application controller in this addon's dummy application for usage examples of many of these options.


  • value: the string value of the editor
  • update(newValue): an action triggered when the value of the editor changes
  • ready(editor): an action triggered when the Ace Editor is instantiated


  • mode: the mode for the editor to operate in, either a string (e.g. "ace/mode/javascript") or a Mode instance
  • theme: the color scheme to be used (e.g. "ace/theme/chaos");
  • useSoftTabs: a boolean indicating whether to use spaces for indentation
  • tabSize: the number of spaces a tab represents
  • useWrapMode: a boolean indicating whether to wrap long lines
  • highlightActiveLine: a boolean indicating whether the active line should be highlighted
  • showPrintMargin: a boolean indicating whether a line indicating the print margin should be shown
  • printMarginColumn: a boolean indicating what column the print margin (if enabled) should appear at
  • showInvisibles: a boolean indicating whether to show invisible characters
  • readOnly: a boolean indicating whether the editor is locked to the user
  • showLineNumbers: a boolean indicating if line numbers are shown in the left gutter. Default to true.


  • lines: the number of lines the editor should show (shorthand for setting both minLines and maxLines)
  • minLines: the minimum number of lines the editor should contain
  • maxLines: the maximum number of lines the editor should expand to


  • enableDefaultAutocompletion: a boolean indicating whether to enable Ace's default completions (which basically just look for similar words within the existing document)
  • enableLiveAutocompletion: whether to automatically trigger completion, or require the user to make an explicit gesture (typically Ctrl + Space)
  • suggestCompletions: an action to supply your own completion suggestions (see below for details)


  • overlays: an array of objects describing notices that should be overlaid on the editor, each containing the following keys:
    • type: one of error, warning or info, which will impact the icon that appears on the overlaid row
    • text: text for a tooltip that will appear when the user hovers the overlay icon
    • range: an Ace.Range instance denoting the section of text to be marked
    • class: a string containing any classes that should be added to the element(s) overlaying the marked text (an ember-ace-${type} class will automatically be applied)

Note that overlays is actually shorthand for configuring the following two options individually:

  • markers: an array of text marker objects, each containing the following keys:
    • class: the class name that should be applied to the element(s) overlaying the marked text
    • range: an Ace.Range instance denoting the section of text to be marked
    • inFront: a boolean (default true) indicating whether the marker should be in front of or behind the text layer
  • annotations: an array of line annotation objects, each of which contains the following keys:
    • type: one of error, warning or info
    • row: the zero-based index of the row the annotation should appear on
    • text: the text to appear when the annotation is hovered

Build Configuration

Build configuration can be specified in an ace key in ember-cli-build.js:

new EmberApp(defaults, {
  ace: {
    themes: ['ambiance', 'chaos'],
    modes: ['javascript'],
    workers: ['javascript']

For each of the following types, you may specify an array of names to be included in your Ace build (as above).

  • modes: syntax highlighting and editor behaviors for different languages (see all)
  • workers: background workers to perform more expensive processing available for some modes (see all, intermingled with modes)
  • themes: color schemes for the editor (see all)
  • exts: editor extensions, like spellcheck and Emmet abbreviations (see all)
  • keybindings: common keybindings from editors like Emacs and Vim (see all)

If you need to customize the worker path you can specify workerPath in the build configuration.

new EmberApp(defaults, {
  ace: {
    workerPath: '/my/custom/worker-path'


Note: completion requires the language tools extension to be included. You'll need to set exts: ['language_tools'] in your configuration in order for autocomplete to work.

Custom Completion

To enable custom autocomplete suggestions in your editor, you can implement the suggestCompletions action. The action will receive four arguments:

  • editor: an Ace Editor instance
  • session: an Ace EditSession instance
  • position: a hash with row and column indicating where the cursor is in the document
  • prefix: the leading characters the user entered before triggering completion

The action is expected to return an array (or a promise for one) containing objects with the following keys:

  • value: the core 'value' this suggestion is considered to hold (note that any suggestions whose value doesn't include the given prefix are filtered out by Ace)
  • score: a numeric value indicating how good a match this suggestion is (optional; higher is better)
  • caption: the text that will appear in the dropdown representing this suggestion (defaults to value)
  • meta: supplemental information that will appear on the righthand side in the dropdown for this suggestion (optional)
  • snippet: a string representing what will actually appear in the editor if this suggestion is selected (defaults to value)

Completion Tooltips

Each suggestion may also have a rendered tooltip providing arbitrary additional information about that suggestion (e.g. function documentation). To do so, you can use the completion-tooltip contextual component:

{{#ember-ace ... as |editor|}}
  {{#editor.completion-tooltip as |suggestion|}}
      Here, `suggestion` is an object from the array returned by `suggestCompletions`.
      You can include any additional information you want there to facilitate rendering here.