
A library that transforms clojure.spec

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Speculate is a library that extends clojure.spec and interprets what clojure.specs mean. It can translate specs into different formats, whilst retaining all the features and power of clojure.spec.

It does this by analysing clojure.spec forms, and building an abstract syntax tree (AST) as an intermediary form, which can then be rendered into different formats. Included formats are json-schema and swagger's "openapi specification".

Speculate understands regular clojure.spec specs, but currently clojure.specs do not provide enough informtation to render highly descriptive json-schema documents, or swagger-like formats.

Speculate provides a way to decorate existing clojure.spec forms with arbitrary information, giving control of what is output to the user.

Speculate produces Clojure datastructures that can be serialized to any serialization format (such as json), with a relevant library (such as cheshire).


The status of this project is pre-alpha. It works for our case. the API is subject to change. We're working towards a stable API.


speculate artifacts are released to Clojars.

If you are using Maven, add the following repository definition to your pom.xml:


The Most Recent Release

With Leiningen/Boot:

;; In active development
[speculate "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


Usage with default clojure.specs

(require '[clojure.spec :as s])

(s/def ::color #{"red" "green" "yellow"})
(s/def ::diameter pos-int?)
(s/def ::description string?)
(s/def ::apple (s/keys :req-un [::color ::diameter] :opt-un [::description]))

(require '[speculate.json-schema :as js])

(js/schema ::apple)

=> {:type object,
    :properties {"color" {:enum #{"yellow" "green" "red"},
                          :type {:type string}},
                 "diameter" {:type integer, :format int32, :minimum 1},
                 "description" {:type string}},
    :required ["color" "diameter"],
    :title "Apple"}

Generating detailed json-schema

(require '[clojure.spec :as s])
(require '[speculate.spec :as u])

(s/def ::color #{"red" "green" "yellow"})

(s/def ::diameter
   :description "Diameter of an apple in millimetres."
   :spec pos-int?
   :maximum 300))

(s/def ::description string?)

(s/def ::apple
   :description "The fruit of the apple tree."
   :spec (s/keys :req-un [::color ::diameter] :opt-un [::description])))

(s/def ::apples (u/set-of ::apple))

(s/def ::apple-tree
   :description "The apple tree (Malus pumila, commonly and
                 erroneously called Malus domestica) is a deciduous
                 tree in the rose family best known for its sweet,
                 pomaceous fruit, the apple."
   :spec (s/keys :req-un [::apples])))

(require '[speculate.json-schema :as js])

(js/schema ::apple)

=> {:properties {"apples" {:type array
                           :items {:properties {"color" {:enum #{"yellow" "green" "red"}
                                                         :type {:type string}}
                                                "diameter" {:type integer
                                                            :minimum 1
                                                            :title "Diameter"
                                                            :description "Diameter of an apple in millimetres."
                                                            :maximum 300}
                                                "description" {:type string}}
                                   :type object
                                   :required ["color" "diameter"]
                                   :title "Apple"
                                   :description "The fruit of the apple tree."}}}
    :type object
    :required ["apples"]
    :title "AppleTree"
    :description "The apple tree (Malus pumila commonly and erroneously
                  called Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the
                  rose family best known for its sweet pomaceous fruit
                  the apple."}

(js/schema ::apple-tree :extract-definitions? true)

=> {"AppleTree" {:properties {"apples" {:type array
                                        :items {"$ref" "#!/definitions/Apple"}}}
                 :type object
                 :required ["apples"]
                 :title "AppleTree"
                 :description "The apple tree (Malus pumila commonly and
                               erroneously called Malus domestica) is a
                               deciduous tree in the rose family best
                               known for its sweet pomaceous fruit the apple."}
    :definitions {"Diameter" {:type integer
                              :minimum 1
                              :title "Diameter"
                              :description "Diameter of an apple in millimetres."
                              :maximum 300}
                  "Apple" {:properties {"color" {:enum #{"yellow" "green" "red"}
                                                 :type {:type string}}
                                        "diameter" {"$ref" "#!/definitions/Diameter"}
                                        "description" {:type string}}
                           :type object
                           :required ["color" "diameter"]
                           :title "Apple"
                           :description "The fruit of the apple tree."}}}


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.