
Data Structures in Java Mission College

Primary LanguageJava

Course Title: Introduction to Data Structures Using Java Course Number: Section Number: CIS 044 71039 Units: Prerequisite: 4.00

Class/Lab Schedule: T 10:55 AM-2:05 PM Class/Lab Schedule: Location: TH 10:55 AM-2:05 PM GC 204 Instructor: Dr. Faramarz Mortezaie

E-mail: faramarz.mortezaie@missioncollege.edu

Office Hours: Thursday 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM Friday 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM Room GC-217-A

Course Description This is an advanced course in the Java Programming Language. We will study basic data structures such as stacks, dynamic arrays, lists, and trees, and their implementation. We will also cover basic algorithm analysis techniques (Big-O notation and recurrences), and basic algorithms for searching and sorting. We will also briefly cover basic software engineering concepts to give you a feel for developing large software applications in the real world.

Textbooks and Materials

Textbook/s Title: Ed Author Data Structures and Abstractions with Java 4 Frank M. Carrano

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, you should be able to: Students will demonstrate the ability to use arrays, dynamic arrays and collection of classes in programs. Students will demonstrate the ability to design, code and execute Java programs using different data structures, such as stacks, trees, queues and linked lists. Students will demonstrate write programs using searching, sorting and recursion algorithms.

Course Management System Canvas is a course management system adopted by the WVMCCD for all classes. When you log into the system at https://wvm.instructure.com/ you will find syllabus, course schedule, assignment schedule, software installation instructions and other course material.

Weekly Course schedule Week Date Lecture Reading Lab (Note: the due date of each lab is one week after the assigned date) 1 08/27/19 08/29/19 Introduction to Java Designing classes Class Notes Pages 5-31 Lab-1 2 09/03/19 09/05/19 Array Bag Array Bag Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Lab-2 3 09/10/19 09/12/19 Generics Generics Pages 53-60

4 09/17/19 09/19/19 Array Bag Implementation Chapter-2 Lab-3 5 09/24/19 09/26/19 Exceptions A Bag Implementation that Links Data Pages 96-103 Chapter-3 Lab-4 6 10/01/19 10/03/19 Bag Implementation Exam-1 Chapter-3 Lab-5 7 10/08/19 10/10/19 The efficiency of Algorithms Chapter-4 Lab-6 8 10/15/19 10/17/19 Stack Stack Implementation Chapter-5 Chapter-6 Lab-7 9 10/22/19 10/24/19 Recursion An introduction to sorting Chapter-7 Chapter-8

10 10/29/19 10/31/19 Merge Sort Queue Chapter-9 Chapter-10 Lab-8 11 11/05/19 11/07/19 Queue Implementation Review Chapter-10

Pages 714-726

12 11/12/19 11/14/19 Exam-2 Searching and Hashing

Chapter 21 Lab-9 13 11/19/19 11/21/19 Binary Trees and BST Binary Trees and BST

Lab-10 14 11/26/19 11/28/19 Collections No class Chapter-23

Lab-11 15 12/03/19 12/05/19 Collections Project Presentations Class Notes Lab-12 16 12/10/19

Final Exam Tuesday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM