Roman Numeral Service

This project implements a simple web service that takes an integer in the range 1-3999 and converts it to a Roman Numeral string.

The Roman Numeral conversion adheres to the specification on this web site:

For a very detailed explanation of the engineering process involved in this project, see engineering process documentation.

Web Service Specification

The web service HTTP end-point under /romannumeral accepts a querystring parameter query with the integer (in range 1-3999) to be converted.


{integer} must be any integer value in the range 1-3999.

Properly formed requests with {integer} in the correct range will receive an HTTP 200 (OK) response with JSON containing the result.

For example, this request http://localhost:8080/romannumeral?query=1 would result in this output:


Invalid (or out of range) input will receive a 422 (Uprocessable Entity) response with:

"query" parameter must be an integer in the range 1-3999.


The modules of the maven project are:

  • core: Java bundle containing the core code which implements the Roman Numeral conversion.
  • web: Servlet implementing the /romannumeral web service. It also includes an OSGi component that registers the Prometheus /metrics servlet.

Build the Code

  1. Install Java 11 (Open JDK/JRE or Oracle JDK/JRE):

  2. Download and install Maven 3.6.3 (if not preinstalled):

  3. To build all the modules, run this command in the project root directory (with Maven 3.6.3):

    mvn clean install

NOTE: The web framework used by this project is Apache Sling. This was mainly to demonstrate my working knowledge of how to develop with it. See here for more information on this decision.

Installing Apache Sling Locally

  1. Download and install Java 11 (OpenJDK or Oracle JDK):

  2. Download the Apache Sling standalone jar file to a new directory:

  3. Start and install Apache Sling:

    java -Xmx512m -jar
  4. Open the installed Sling server in your browser http://localhost:8080

Deploy the Application to Apache Sling

  1. To build and deploy the OSGi bundles to an already running sling instance on http://localhost:8080, run this command:

    mvn clean install sling:install
  2. Once the bundles are installed then go to http://localhost:8080/romannumeral?query=5 to see the Roman Numeral web service.

  3. Go to this URL to see the Prometheus monitoring metrics web end-point: http://localhost:8080/metrics

Build and Deploy on Docker / Kubernetes

The application and its monitoring and observability services (Prometheus & Grafana) can be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster. Follow the steps below to build and deploy to Kubernetes.

  1. Install Docker if it isn't already installed

  2. If you have another version of Kubernetes pre-installed (such as minikube) then stop those services so the docker desktop one can take over.

  3. Enable single node Kubernetes via Docker Desktop (Settings UI):

  4. Clone this git repository:

    git clone
  5. Download and install Maven 3.6.3 / JDK 11:

  6. Run the maven command from the root of the project directory to build all modules:

     mvn clean install
  7. Build the 3 docker containers (I purposely didn't publish them to docker hub (hence the detail in step 2 and 3 about using docker desktop's kubernetes):

     docker build -t roman-numeral-service:1.0 .
     docker build -t prometheus-roman-services:1.0 ./prometheus
     docker build -t grafana-roman-services:1.0 ./grafana
  8. Deploy the Docker images via Kubernetes:

     kubectl apply -f kube-deployment.yaml
  9. Now you have 3 servers running and exposed on your machine:

    1. Apache Sling (Web): http://localhost:8080
    2. Prometheus (Monitoring): http://localhost:9090
    3. Grafana (Observability): http://localhost:3000

    NOTE: The Apache Sling container can take up to 2 minutes to start completely before the /romannumeral web service is accessible.

  10. Now test the Web Service by visiting this URL in your browser: http://localhost:8080/romannumeral?query=3


There are two levels of testing contained in the project:

Unit tests

This show-cases classic unit testing of the code contained in the bundle. To test, execute:

mvn clean test

Java CI: Github Action

A GitHub Action is enabled to run the build / tests on-commit to git: .github/workflows/maven.yml

Dependency Attribution

To generate detailed information about all dependencies run this maven command:

mvn attribution:generate-attribution-file

It generates a attribution.xml under each project's target directory for the maven dependencies.

This feature uses the attribution-maven-plugin: