FRC Scouting App 2015

JSON Messages

Log In

Client to Server

    'type': "login"
    'scoutName': String

Server to Client

    'CID': int

Prepare for next match

Client to Server

    'type': "prepare"
    'CID': int

Server to Client

    'matchNumber': int,
    'teamNumber': int

Get next match

Supervisor to Server '''javascript { 'type': "getNextMatch" 'CID': int } ''' Server to Supervisor '''javascript { // if error 'type': 'status' 'status': 'noNextMatch' 'description': 'error text' } { //else 'type': 'nextMatchData' 'matchNumber': int 'redTeam1': int 'redTeam2': int 'redTeam3': int 'blueTeam1': int 'blueTeam2': int 'blueTeam3': int } '''

Set match data

Supervisor to Server '''javascript { 'type': 'setMatchData' 'matchNumber': int 'redTeam1': int 'redTeam2': int 'redTeam3': int 'blueTeam1': int 'blueTeam2': int 'blueTeam3': int } ''' Server to Supervisor '''javascript { // if fine 'type': 'status' 'status': 'ok' } { // else 'type': 'status' 'status': 'badMessage' } '''

Ready for start

Client to Server

    'type': "ready"
    'CID': int,
    'matchNumber': int

Server to Client

    'started': true

Get clients

Supervisor to Server '''javascript { 'type': 'getClients' } ''' Server to Supervisor '''javascript { 'type': 'connectedClients' 'clients': [{'CID': int, 'scoutName': String, 'teamNumber': int}...] // if teamNumber == -1, teamNumber returned null } '''


Client to Server

    'type': "contribution"
    'CID': int,
    'SID': int,
    'objects': String,  // '+' for addition to stack, '-' for subtraction from stack, and 'x' for knocked over removal
    'time': int,
    'autonomous': boolean

Server to Client

    'updates': JSON

Waz up?

Client to Server

    'type': "wazup"
    'CID': int

Server to Client

    'updates': JSON


Supervisor to Server '''javascript { 'type': "disconnectClient" 'disconnectCID': int } ''' Server to Supervisor '''javascript { 'type': "status" 'status': "ok" } '''