
Transparent SOCKS proxy Wrapper

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


CodeQL C/C++ CI - macOS C/C++ CI - Ubuntu

Transparent SOCKS proxy Wrapper

Buy Me A Coffee

Goals and TODO list

  • Create a socksifier service - transparent firewall-based redirector of TCP/IP connections to a SOCKS-proxy server

  • Support platforms:

    • macOS, FreeBSD and OpenBSD with PF
    • Linux with nftables or iptables
  • IPv6 stack support

  • Maintain simple configuration structure as INI-file

  • Support basic SOCKS authentication methods

  • Password encoding (obfuscation) in configuration files

  • SOCKS proxy chains

  • Daemon mode

  • Front-end UI

  • Installation script

  • Documentation

  • UDP support

  • Remote names resolution using NS-Warp

  • (optional) HTTP proxy

  • SOCKS workload balance modes: Failover/Roundrobin/None

  • Implement SOCKS-server with support of hostnames in requests


See it here


Obtain source codes

  • Download TS-Warp sources and unarchive them

  • Or clone the repository running git in a terminal:

    $ git clone https://github.com/mezantrop/ts-warp

Build the appplication from sources

Using terminal, in the directory with TS-Warp source code run as the normal user:

$ make

Install the application

Typically, installation requires root privileges. Below we use sudo to achieve the goal, but on some operating systems you may need to invoke su instead:

$ sudo make install clean

This installs all the files under the /usr/local tree and after that cleans source codes from object and temporary created files. If a different installation path is required, set PREFIX:

$ sudo make install PREFIX=/path/to/install

Configure TS-Warp

Based on <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp.ini.sample file create <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp.ini to suite your SOCKS configuration. For example:

$ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.ini.sample /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.ini
$ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.ini

Optional. Edit <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp.sh to customize PID-, LOG- and INI-files location. For example:

$ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.sh

Setup firewall

  • On macOS and *BSD to configure the packet filter create <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_pf.conf based on <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_pf.conf.sample. For example:

    $ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_pf.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_pf.conf
    $ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_pf.conf
  • On Linux. Create <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh or <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh using as templates <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh.sample or respectively <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh.sample to configure firewall. For example:

      $ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh.sample /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh
      $ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh


    $ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh.sample /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh
    $ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh
  • The helper script <PREFIX>/bin/bin/ts-warp_autofw.sh makes and prints out sample firewall configuration based on ts-warp.ini contents. It can be used to populate contents of ts-warp_pf.conf, ts-warp_iptables.sh or ts-warp_nftables.sh

Advanced firewall configuration

There are two predefined sets of example firewall configuration files: general and special.

Simple general rulesets redirect all outgoing TCP traffic through TS-Warp, which in it's turn dispatches it to SOCKS servers or to the destination targets. More complex special firewall configuration contains rules to only redirect TCP traffic to TS-Warp that requires to be soxified. By default, to minimize system workload, make installs special firewall rulesets, but it is possible to switch between both options using:

$ make examples-special


$ make examples-general

Then install the selected configuration examples:

$ sudo make install-examples

Specify custom PREFIX if other the default /usr/local/etc directory is desired for the configuration files.


You can control, e.g. start, stop ts-warp daemon using ts-warp.sh script. Under root privileges or sudo run:

# <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp.sh start|stop|reload|restart [options]
# <PREFIX>/etc/ts-warp.sh status

For example:

$ sudo /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.sh start
$ sudo /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.sh stop

Low-level ts-warp daemon usage

All the ts-warp command-line options can be listed using $ ts-warp -h:

  ts-warp -i IP:Port -c file.ini -l file.log -v 0-4 -d -p file.pid -f -u user -h


All parameters are optional:
  -i IP:Port        Incoming local IP address and port
  -c file.ini       Configuration file, default: /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.ini

  -l file.log       Log filename, default: /usr/local/var/log/ts-warp.log
  -v 0..4           Log verbosity level: 0 - off, default 3

  -d                Daemon mode
  -p file.pid       PID filename, default: /usr/local/var/run/ts-warp.pid
  -f                Force start

  -u user           User to run ts-warp from, default: nobody

  -h                This message

ts-warp.sh respects ts-warp daemon options. For example, to temporary enable more verbose logs, restart ts-warp with -v 4 option:

$ sudo /usr/local/etc/ts-warp.sh restart -v 4

ts-warp understands SIGHUP signal as the command to reload configuration, SIGUSR1 to display working configuration and clients connection status and SIGINT to stop the daemon.

Use ts-pass to encode passwords if requred. See examples in ts-warp.ini

GUI front-end


The GUI front-end application to control ts-warp daemon can be installed from the gui directory:

$ cd gui
$ sudo make install

Optionally. Set PREFIX, to use a different installation target in the make command above:

$ sudo make install PREFIX=/path/to/install

To start the GUI run:

$ sudo -b <PREFIX>/bin/gui-warp.py

Note, Python 3 interpreter with tkinter support is required to run the GUI frontend.


Not so early stage of development, yet don't expect everything to work properly. If you have an idea, a question, or have found a problem, do not hesitate to open an issue or mail me: Mikhail Zakharov zmey20000@yahoo.com

Many thanks to contributors of the project