#ECS Cluster This repo contains YAML based Cloudformation templates for a base ECS infrastructure and then a separate template to build ECS Services on top of it.

The base ECS infrastructure (ecs-base.yml) builds the following AWS resources that's shared across the ECS Services:

  • An ECS Cluster
  • EC2 instances registered to the aforementioned cluster
  • An Application Load Balancer (ALB)
    • The ALB can be configured with a separate target group for each containerized service that you deploy

Deploy scripts

There are two bash scripts used for deployment:

  • validate-and-deploy.sh - This is used to validate the cloudformation templates and deploy them to a publically readable andrewoh531-cloudformation-templates S3 bucket.
  • examples/update-stack.sh - This is an example script for creating the base resources. It creates the underlying resources on which the ecs-service.yml resources will be build on top of. This should be run before your applications execute creation of ecs-service.yml.