Helm chart for api-app

minikube start --driver=podman --kubernetes-version='1.24.0'
git clone https://github.com/andrewozhegov/helm-api-app-chart
cd helm-api-app-chart
make install


  • ECR

To pull images from private ECR, specify it's credentials in secrets

make edit_secrets

Then specify appropriate image names in values.yaml and use images Release version as AppVersion in Chart.yaml

    repo: nginx         # specify api image here
    tag: latest         # delete this to use .Chart.AppVersion as tag
    pullPolicy: Always
    repo: busybox       # specify alembic image here
    tag: 1.28           # delete this to use .Chart.AppVersion as tag
    pullPolicy: Always
  • Use config section in values.yaml to configure api & alembic

Vars will pass to containers as ENV vars from ConfigMaps

    SOME_VAR: some_val
    ANOTHER_VAR: another_val
  • Container & initContainer

As alembic supposed to run migrations before app will work with DB it present as initContaider Both containers uses db secret to get database credentials as ENV vars

  • Provide external access to API

API deployment exposed as LoadBalancer on HTTP port, with Ingress resource

make ingress_install    # will deploys nginx-ingress-controller
minikube tunnel         # supposed to find and expose right service himself

This approach supposed to work properly with cloud providers too!

  • Get sensitive api file logs

I use fluentd as sidecar container to tail application file logs. Then parsed logs will be forwarded to DaemonSet Fluentd. It can be configured in values.yaml

  path: /var/log/api-app
    host: fluentd.fluent.svc.cluster.local
    port: 24233
  • Split API stdout logs

For api stdout logs parsing I use fluentd. To configure it, make changes in fluentd.values.yaml file. Use <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.api-app**> section in fileConfigs.02_filters.conf to configure REGEX to determine sensitive logs from usual:

02_filters.conf: |-
 . . .
   <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.api-app**>
 . . .
      key log                               # JSON key of Value to parse
      pattern ^.*GET\s\/sensitive.*$        # REGEX to match sensitive log
      tag api-app-log.sensitive
      key log                               # JSON key of Value to parse
      pattern ^(.+)$                        # REGEX to match all usual rest of logs
      tag api-app-log.std

Use <label @API_APP> section in fileConfigs.04_outputs.conf to configure any fluend output plugin for each of the log tag!

04_outputs.conf: |-
  <label @API_APP>
    <match api-app-log.sensitive>
      @type stdout
    <match api-app-log.std>
      @type stdout

When configuration is done, deploy fluentd

make fluentd_install
make fluentd_upgrade   # to upd conf of already deployed fluentd


# ⚠️ Kubernetes <= v1.24.x
# cause k8s 1.25+ policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated
# but fluentd chart isn't updated yet

brew install helm sops age minikube

helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx

helm plugin install https://github.com/jkroepke/helm-secrets


⚠️ Of course, in a real repo .age_secret_key must be securely hidden!

How to encrypt/decrypt secrets

  • edit secrets without manual decryption
make edit_secrets
  • manually decrypt secrets.enc.yaml into secrets.dec.yaml, edit it and encrypt again
make encrypt
vim secrets.dec.yaml
make decrypt