If you want to help contribute

Currently seeking help with these roles:

  • Product Development
  • User Experience Design
  • Taking a look at the issues and throwing in a pr :)


Setup postgres on your computer.

OSX: https://launchschool.com/blog/how-to-install-postgresql-on-a-mac

Linux: https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/diy-it-guy/diy-a-postgresql-database-server-setup-anyone-can-handle/

Create DB

Connect to psql db from your terminal.

psql postgres

Create the database.


Exit from the database.


Clone repository in your desired directory.

git clone https://github.com/andrewpat24/Festivus.git

Setup NPM


Download dependencies

npm i

Migrate the database model into postgres (this command must be run while terminal path is inside project)

node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate

Copy .env-example and rename it to .env

Only DATABASE_URL is in use, so just make that one by changing the username and password text.

Update server/config/config.json

Follow that path and update your username in the development environment

Current design comps

Thanks to our friend lukas, we have designs!



How does this all work?

Take a look in package.json, 'npm start' runs a script which kicks off bin/www.

Our app.js then builds the rest of our project by specifying our routes.

Express application walkthrough: https://gist.github.com/mdang/0a8e00883b2e25424e05

What are routes? https://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html

Let's go through our directories top to bottom:


  • contains www which kicks off our app and gets our server running. If there're any issues with port number or specific server issues, look in here.


  • This directory contains helper functions for psql. db.js creates our initial connection to the db which we reference in our helper functions.


  • NPM is the node package manager, which installs packages locally into a project, specifically, into the node_modules folder.


  • Where all of our client side gets loaded like javascript, css, style libraries, etc.

public - libraries

  • Currently using uikit.
  • Still need to add jQuery, but hbs should be doing the majority of our logic.


  • routes get used so our server knows what data to serve the user depending on the url. You can have multiple types of routes depending on GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/etc requests from the user. For example, you can make a post route on /deleteUserWithID:[id] to pass an id with the url parameter to delete that user.


  • this directory was automatically generated by sequelize. I don't know why the they chose to automatically generate it if I don't have a server directory but whatever

server - migrations + server - models

  • This allows us to automatically generate our tables when running sequelize db:migrate.


  • Contains all of our frontend templates for handlebars. The files get served up in our routes.
  • layout.hbs gets built on every single page. That way things like headers, navbars, footers, etc can be placed on every page without us doing anything.
  • if you want to add any components directory, put it in here.

.env (and .env-example)

  • Contains all of our sensitive information like usernames, passwords, api keys, etc so it can be abstracted and not put up into github.


  • The scripts key is where you can check to see what scripts are available or where you can make new scripts for our project.