
Yeoman generator for stack with closure compiler, soy templates, less + express.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Client-heavy stack for node development.

The stack:

Quick install

Download + run bootstrap.sh (this will install a local version of node, grunt and yeoman).

Alternative install

  1. Install node + npm
  2. npm install -g grunt yo generator-closure-stack
  3. yo closure-stack
  4. grunt setup

To run

grunt run:dev

Limitations / todos

  • does not make use of closure builder to assemble client JS
  • closure library is only used for namespacing

Folder structure

src code for your application

src/client code run in the browser

src/client/js javascript (and externs) run in the browser

src/client/js/externs extern files for the closure compiler

src/client/js/third_party third party code that is included directly on the page, bypassing closure compiler (except for an extern)

src/client/js/JS_NAMESPACE js code for your application

src/client/js/listing.json an ordered listing of code for your application

src/client/less LESS stylesheets for your application

src/client/soy soy templates for your application

src/server code run on the server

src/server/js javascript run on the server

src/server/soy soy templates used on the server.

src/tasks grunt tasks

config app configuration (like server port, common paths etc) used by grunt tasks. New files are automatically imported as grunt configs and can cross-reference each other.

build output of compilation tasks like conversion of less to css, soy templates to javascript, and closure JS compilation.

dependencies needed binaries like node and the closure/soy compiler jars.

node_modules node dependencies.