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To build ensure the 'public.sdk', 'plugininterfaces' and 'vstgui' folders from the Steinburg VST SDK are in the 'shared' folder

On Mac set an alias in ~/.zshrc for 'projucer' pointing to the projucer executable. E.g: alias projucer=~/Documents/Personal/JUCE/Projucer.app/Contents/MacOS/Projucer

Making a new plugin

The boilerplate code for a new plugin is handled for you with a python script. This uses python 3.12 or higher.

--> py makeSpectral.py -h
usage: makeSpectral.py [-h] -p PATH -n NAME [-d DESCRIPTION] [-v {True,False}]

Automate SpectralSuite boilerplate for new plugin.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  The relative or absolute path to the directory containing new plugin
  -n NAME, --name NAME  The name of the new plugin
                        The description of the new plugin
  -v {True,False}, --verbose {True,False}
--> py makeSpectral.py -p NewThing/ -n "NEWNAME" -d "NEWDESC" -v True
--> ls NewThing/
NEWNAME.jucer		NEWNAMEParameters.cpp	NEWNAMEProcessor.h
NEWNAMEAudioPlugin.cpp	NEWNAMEParameters.h	UiContainer.cpp
NEWNAMEAudioPlugin.h	NEWNAMEProcessor.cpp	UiContainer.h

Building plugins for release

Build must be performed on MacOS and Windows.



Matching the version numbers may not be required. Ruby (2.7.4) to run the build scripts XCode (15.4) MacOS intel (14.6.1) Projucer (7) Packages (1.2.9) to build the installer.


Update the project version in SpectralSuiteBuild Base.jucer file. In the preprocessor definitions increment the VersionCode. Update CHANGES.md with the latest changes.

Then on the terminal naviate the SpectralSuiteBuild and run: ruby ssutil.rb

This should update all projucer files with the version number and code. Start a build using xcode command line tools. Copy the AU and VST3 files to a release folder in top level repository dir. Build a package that can be used for installing. This will be located in SpectralSuiteBuild/package/MacOS-SpectralSuite-vX.X.X.pkg



Visual Studio 2022 Powershell


Open Developer Powershell Navigate to SpectralSuiteBuild. Then run ssutil.ps1