
wraps minecraft server and gives you a web interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(Pronounced "mick surv")

Console wrapper and proxy for Minecraft 1.5 server.


  • Web interface with recent chat history and who is online.
  • Automatically restart minecraft server when it crashes.
  • Provide extra commands to users
  • Sets online-mode for a whitelist or blacklist of people.

Extra Commands for Users

  • /help mcserve - in game help for mcserve commands
  • /restart: Requests a server restart which will happen after everybody logs off.
  • /seen <username>: Tells how long ago username was seen on the server.
  • /bot - create, destroy, list, tp bots on a mc-bot-server
  • /version - get the mcserve version
  • /whitelist - manage who is on the whitelist (or blacklist)
  • /admin - manage who has access to admin commands


  1. Install Java.
  2. Install node.js.
  3. Download minecraft_server.jar from minecraft.net.
  4. Set online-mode to false in server.properties. Authentication and encryption is handled by this project.
  5. npm install mcserve
  6. Copy mcserve.json.example to your minecraft server folder and rename it to mcserve.json.
  7. Change any configuration that you need to (see below)
  8. npm start mcserve


  • disableProxy - set to true to skip starting the proxy server
  • proxyPort - port that the proxy listens on
  • proxyHost - host that the proxy binds to
  • proxyRemoteHost - the hostname that the bot server should connect bots to
  • webPort - the port that the web interface listens on
  • webHost - the host that the web interface binds to
  • minecraftPort - the port that the real minecraft server will listen on. Make sure this is the same as the server-port property in minecraft's server.properties file.
  • minecraftHost - the host that the real minecraft server will listen on. Make sure this is the same as the server-ip property in minecraft.'s server.properties file.
  • online-mode - whether you want the proxy to authenticate usernames with the official server. you can set exceptions with onlineModeExceptions. No matter what you choose, you must set online-mode to false in minecraft's server.properties.
  • onlineModeExceptions - in online mode, this is usernames which are not checked. in offline mode, this is usernames which are checked.
  • encryption - whether to turn on protocol encryption
  • kickTimeout - how many milliseconds to wait before kicking a client which is failing to send heartbeat messages
  • motd - little blurb that is displayed in the server list
  • max-players - limit number of people who can connect to the proxy
  • admins - these people can add and remove people from onlineModeExceptions
  • botServerEndpoint - URL to a running mc-bot-server which players can use to spawn bots.
  • botServerApiKey - the api key that you need to give to mc-bot-server