#This is 100% sourced code from sass-loader with slightly different dependencies. All credit to @jtangelder for sass-loader and @miniflycn for writing compass-node
If you do not need compass (various mixins and sprite generation, etc) then please see the sass-loader https://github.com/jtangelder/sass-loader
compass loader for webpack
This is all pretty beta stuff, I don't recommend using this in production just yet.
Honestly you're better off using sass-loader
and https://github.com/Igosuki/compass-mixins then add node_modules/compass-mixins/lib
as an include path.
####You've been warned
var css = require("!raw!compass!./file.scss");
// => returns compiled css code from file.scss, resolves imports
var css = require("!css!compass!./file.scss");
// => returns compiled css code from file.scss, resolves imports and url(...)s
Use in tandem with the style-loader
to add the css rules to your document:
It's recommended to adjust your webpack.config
so style!css!compass!
is applied automatically on all files ending on .scss
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.scss$/,
// Query parameters are passed to node-sass
loader: "style!css!compass?outputStyle=expanded&" +
"includePaths[]=" +
(path.resolve(__dirname, "./bower_components")) + "&" +
"includePaths[]=" +
(path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules"))
If you utilize sprites or anything that utilizes your config.rb
images path then you'll need to pass in both imagePath
and spriteDist
var imagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../images'),
spriteOutput = imagePath;
require("!style!raw!compass!./file.scss?imagePath=" + imagePath + "&spriteOutput=" + spriteOutput);
Comma separate imports are not supported.
@import "language", "another/module";
should be written as
@import "language";
@import "another/module";
Also this depends on the latest node-sass 2.0 beta to return all included files so we can tell webpack about dependencies. This may or may not work well, and also won't work when node-sass generates errors as it will not complete parsing the CSS and will not return all included files. To get this functionality sass-graph would have to be modified
Then you only need to write: require("./file.scss")
. See node-sass
for the available options.
npm install compass-loader
Currently the sass-loader does not follow all of the webpack loader guidelines. The general problem is that the entry scss-file is passed to node-sass which does pretty much the rest. Thus @import
statements inside your scss-files cannot be resolved by webpack's resolver. However, there is an issue for that missing feature in libsass.