GraphQL Tutorial (2019).

This is the example application for the Build a GraphQL API with PHP tutorial presented at various conferences in 2019.


Starting Code (Glitch):

Complete App:


  • master branch is meant to be the starting point for the tutorial, and so most functionality initially will not work.
  • complete branch is the completed application, available for reference

Getting Started

For this tutorial, I recommend using the Glitch coding environment to edit and run the code.

However, you can also run it locally.

Requirements: PHP 7.2 w/ SQLite, and Composer

To start: composer install; composer run start --timeout=0


The objective of this tutorial is to build a simple GraphQL API that displays a sample selection of PHP conferences with associated speakers.

GraphQL API App UI


The eventual GraphQL schema will look like this:

type Query {
  message(name: String): String
  speakers: [Speaker]
  conferences(nameFilter: String): [Conference]
  getConferenceById(id: Int): Conference

type Mutation {
  addSpeaker(name: String!, twitter: String): CreateSpeakerOutput

type Conference {
  id: Int!
  name: String!
  url: String!
  description: String
  location: String
  dates: String!
  speakers: [Speaker]

type Speaker {
  id: Int!
  name: String
  twitter: String

type CreateSpeakerOutput {
  id: Int

GraphQL Schema

The underlying data is stored in a sqlite databse (phpconferences.sqlite) and looks like this:

DB Schema